Here's my character. Sort of a WIP until I can fill in details for how she and [@Verdaux]'s character came to work together. I hope no one will take offense if my character mixes religious, Arabic, Muslim phrases alongside intense swearing. [hider=Hajar] [u][b]CO-PILOT[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Hajar Mezgouri [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 5'2" [b]Weight:[/b] 120lbs [b]Co-pilot Class:[/b] Hunter [b]Nationality:[/b] Moroccan [b]Appearance:[/b][indent][img][/img][/indent][b]Bio:[/b][indent]Born in North Africa, Hajar grew up in an environment that was comprised of meek village folk just trying to eke out a survival, the religious: both spiritual pacifists and militant zealots, and the foreign mercenaries who offered them protection for a price. Energetic, curious, and aggressively forward, Hajar apprenticed under her father as the 'tinkerer' of their small, mishmash community, fixing things or setting up utilities with found ancient technology. Her personality lent her to interact with the mercenaries quite often and her technical expertise came to be applied to their planes, helping to not only repair damage, but also to modify or customize their planes.[/indent][b]Theme Song:[/b] [indent][youtube][/youtube][/indent] [u][b]PLANE:[/b][/u] PENDING [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Plane Type:[/b] [b]Extra Aircraft Notes:[/b] [b]Weapons Descriptions:[/b] [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [b]Past Encounter:[/b] WIP [/hider]