Last minute character application [hider=Jack Spicer][center] [h1]Jack Spicer: Evil Boy Genius[/h1] [img][/img] [i]"Jack, you're an embarrassment to evil everywhere" - Wuya[/i] [h3][b][Jack Spicer ⫻ Xiaolin Showdown ~ Earth⫻ 13⫻ (trying to be) Evil][/b][/h3] [h2][b]▼ APPEARANCE ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"I’m so brilliant I sometimes scare even me"[/i] Jack has been described as a wanna be goth, he has pale skin, bright red spiky hair, wears makeup, fingerless gloves and dark clothing. He also has a his signature goggles that are used mainly during welding and a backpack that can extend a pair of rotor blades that can be used to fly. When using the monkey staff he gains the tail, prehensile feet, brown fur and sharp teeth of a monkey [h2][b]▼ PERSONALITY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"It’s apparent to me that you're just one generation away from good, thats why you work so hard to prove your evil." - Hannibal Roy Bean on Jack[/i] Jack is clumsy, goofy, immature, cantankerous, churlish, whiny, fearful, paranoid, neurotic and a massive idiot. A wannabe villain who is often sabotaged by trying to conform to villainous tropes, he will do evil things because they are evil rather than because they make sense, will often stop to gloat or taunt before taking victory and generally makes things to be cool or on theme rather than effective. Jack is either overconfident in his own genius or a self pitying coward, this is directly proportional to how much danger he is in and he flips easily from one state to the other depending on how well he thinks things are going, gloating and laughing maniacally if he thinks he has the upper hand and screaming and begging for mercy if things are going poorly. Despite his incompetence and his cowardice jack is persistent, he keeps at his evil ways even in the face of ever more competent and powerful opposition and somehow still achieves the occasional victory, though this is primarily by being underestimated or sneaky. [h2][b]▼ BACKSTORY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"I want to rule the world, which I can’t do if Wuya is already ruling it"[/i] Having wanted to rule the world since second grade Jack made a hobby of building killer robots and plotting how to do so in his wealthy parents basement, but never actually having a way of doing so. When his father sends him an ancient puzzle box he inadvertently released Wuya, the spirit of an ancient and evil witch who recruits Jack to help her retrieve the Shen Gong Wu: powerful magical objects that they can use to actually take over the world. However the Xiaolin warriors fight against them and thwart Jack at every turn until Wuya eventually eventually ditches him in favor of considerably more competent allies. Meany meany defeats later, several considerably more dangerous and competent villains coming onto the scene and a few team ups with the monks to thwart said villains successful world conquering have left a him mostly irelivent if consistent feature(showing up to every new artifact despite his low success rate) in the battle for the Shen Gong Wu. At this point Jack is more frenemy than legitimate threat, meeting up with the monks for ice cream and the like when they are not competing each other for the Shen Gong Wu. A nominal member of the The Defenders of the Multiverse as a result of consistently helping out whenever some greater evil invades his home dimension and sometimes protecting others when he has followed the monks there out of curiosity. He claims this is because you can’t take over the world if someone already rules it or it’s destroyed, that by helping stop other villains he is getting rid of the competition but it’s pretty obvious to everyone that being evil is Jack's hobby and not his nature. [h2][b]▼ ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"even you can’t screw this up jack" -Wuya[/i] -High Intellect- When it comes to making things Jack is a genius, has been able to create hundreds of devices, including a working time machine, a sentient robotic replica of himself and a variety of futuristic vehicles. His most frequently uses robots called Jack-Bots, floating robots, equipped with saws, machine guns and any other kinds of weapons. -Flight- A backpack his grandmother gave him when he turned evil can extend two rotor blades allows jack to fly. Said flight isn’t particularly fast, an athletic individual could catch up with him on foot. -High Physical Abilities- While not a warrior, he had shown above-average physical ability in terms of running, climbing etc. no superman or athlete, but at least moderately fit. -Monkey Staff- A Shen Gong Wu which gives the user the athletic ability of a monkey but also slowly transforms the user into a monkey mentally and physically. Jack has made a lot of use of this particular Shen Gong Wu, especially for the purposes of breaking and entering, and as a result the physical alterations come more quickly for him than others. [h2][b]▼ WEAKNESSES ▼[/b][/h2] [i]"It appears I have spoken too soon" -Wuya, 5 seconds later[/i] -Poor fighter- Without robotic minions or Shen Gong Wu, he is largely defenseless. -Design flaws- Most of his devices have a tendency to backfire, jack-bots are uncoordinated and tend to destroy one another in the chaos of combat, his doppelganger was treacherous, the time machine incredibly power hungry etc. -Large Ego- If jack is somehow doing well he inevitably tries to rub this in the oppositions face, generally leaving him open to retaliation. Also has a tendency to get in over his head and then immediately regret his decision. -Idiot- Jack, despite his mechanical genius, is otherwise a moron who lacks even basic common sense and is easily manipulated. [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"Jack bots, attack!"[/i] Jack-bots [img][/img] Normally hovering vaguely humanoid metal machines armed with either spinning blades, clawed hands, drills, ball and chains or plasma guns these robots are dangerous if rather incompetent, their armaments powerful but their success rate of actually hitting anything is very low. They are best at hitting large slow targets, which Jacks normal enemies most certainly are not. Jack as also made a number of specialised variants, from giant mechs to cheerleaders, dolphins and worms. [/center][/hider]