[Hider=Lynette Marshall] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/b065/f/2012/097/7/b/hanne_by_sssssergiu-d4ve2h7.jpg[/img] [Center] [B][i][color=teal]Female Seventeen[/color][/i][/B] [B][color=teal]Place of Birth[/color][/b] Danville, Kentucky [B][color=teal]Sexuality[/color][/b] Pansexual [B][color=teal]Relationship Status[/color][/b] Single [B][color=teal]Occupation[/color][/b] Waitress at Sazon [Color=teal][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Lynette is woefully average across the board. She stands at an average of five foot five. Her weight, while slim, held no hints of athletic tones or voluptuous curves. There was a tint of tawny color to her pallid flesh; a credit to her mixed heritage. Though her ruddy reddish locks held onto her Irish roots. Her skin was marred with a mix of freckles and upon her left shoulder laid silver slivers of scars from a more [i]depressing [/i] time in her life. Even her wardrobe was incredibly average. Despite Kentuckys warm weather she usually dawns a light jacket or long sleeves; in attempt to hide her scars from prying eyes. Her jacket cuffs are frayed from nervous twiddling and one of her favorites suffers from a hole in the pocket. Yet, she can't find it within herself to throw it away. Lynette has a preference for dark or neutral tones. Usually wearing the same dark stained jeans that was bought in bulk and basic black sneakers. [B][color=teal]Power:[/color][/b] [Hider=Tremors] This particular power allows Lynette to create small earthquakes around her. Tremors are not particularly powerful by themselves though hers has a small probability of either creating or activating sinkholes. She has very little to no control over the AOE of her power. For a basic attack (level 1-5) it spreads five feet in front of whatever direction she is facing. For an attack that would take enough blood to cause her to pass out(level six); it'd go out ten feet in small circle around her. For fully grown adult sacrifices, capable of knocking down a decent sized building and above(level 7-12), it'd reach out fifteen feet in full circle. Cost of powers use: A basic; you get what you give. Being that tremors are low scale earthquakes it takes a considerable amount of blood to do any serious damage. On her own she can produce up to a six; a six requires enough blood to cause her to pass out. Anything above needs a fully grown adult sacrifice and increases by one person per level. [Hider=Richter scale] 1-Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable conditions. 2-Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing. 3-Felt quite noticeably by persons indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings. Many people do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration similar to the passing of a truck. Duration estimated. 4-Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few during the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing motor cars rocked noticeably. 5-Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. some dishes, windows broken. Unstable objects overturned. Pendulum clocks may stop. 6-Felt by all, many frightened. Some heavy furniture moved; a few instances of fallen plaster. Damage slight. 7-Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. 8-Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable damage in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chmineys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture overturned. 9-Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. 10-Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and frame structures destroyed with foundations. Rail bent. 11-Few, if any (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Rails bent greatly. 12-Damage total. Lines of sight and level are distorted. Objects thrown into the air.[/hider] [/hider] [Color=teal][b]Skills[/b][/color] If you live in the south then you should have at least basic knowledge of how to set up a camp site and go hunting. Needless to say Lynette had a very minimal skill set pertaining to such. She can start a campfire and pitch a tent. Maybe even reel in a fish or two; but that's pretty much all in that department. She's a decent hiker and knows enough about the stars positions to navigate at night. [Hider=Personality] If it wasn't for the small population Lynette would probably mostly unknown by her community. She was often very passive and shy. More known for keeping her nose buried in a good book than much else. She has a slight problem known as 'resting bitch face' which borderlines murderous glare when reality interrupts her reading. When it comes to people Lynette has a very interesting take on things. People are very black and white to her. Either they're her best friend or her enemy. There is no in between which can cause tremendous stress on her relationships as she can become extremely clingy and slightly possessive of her friends. When she feels slighted by those close to her she's often defensive or cruel towards them. From this behavior her social circle is very small as not many people can handle the constant whiplash of emotions. From an outside take she can be labeled as 'petty' and 'dishonest' but from a personal view everything she says and feels is very real and very strong. Criticism feels like an attack and when people begin to pull away from her, Lynette is left feeling abandoned and betrayed. Though she is ferociously loyal to her friends. Often finding herself defending them from any slight by outsiders. She's even gone out of her way to spread malicious rumors about those who dared to cross a friends path. Needless to say; she's a bit extreme. Though at her core she is a sensitive and sweet person. She genuinely wants to be liked by others and has even sacrificed personal morals to help fit in at times. [/hider] [Hider=History] While Lynette was born in Danville she actually spent her first five years in the wonderfully small town of Harrodsburg, Kentucky. A small, slightly ancient, town that seemed to be the perfect starter place for the newly weds. Her father worked at nearby factory while her mother stayed at home and manned the house. They had no plans to move back to the hills, even after having their daughter life seemed pretty smooth. That was until her grandfather passed and left her father's childhood home in his name. Apparently there was some serious debate on the subject of selling the house or moving in but her father's strong sentimentality won out in the end. Lynette was to young to remember or give much voice to which was a better place to live. Outside of photos, Harlan was the only home she had memory of and it was a decent home she supposed. Movies and shows always seemed to romanticize small towns. Making the townspeople out to be quirky and cute and super friendly. That was until you actually lived in one and realized they're not quirky; they're racist and usually on some type of drug. Everyone was usually sleeping with someone and if you were; everyone knew about it. Small towns run on rumors, drama and the dream of getting out. Despite all of that. Lynette grew up in a fairly normal way. She was never super social. Preferring her own imagination to actual people. She loved running through the trees as she lead her shadow army against the unknown forest creatures. Her peculiar behavior didn't help her either, keeping her at an arms length from most people. Her parents at first thought it was cute and innocent but as she grew and the behavior only seemed to worsen; they grew worried. At the age of ten she was placed in therapy. They had hoped to find the root of her 'issues' but with each new therapist Lynette would keep to her lies. She painted herself as someone with friends and a decent handle of socialization and after their fifth attempt her parents eventually gave up. Now Lynette had known Tille. They had spoken throughout the years though they were never close friends by any means. She liked the fact that the youth was genuinely kindhearted. It was actually on Tille's encouragement that she placed herself back into therapy after a year of battling with her depression and self harm addiction. She had even opened up enough for her therapist to make a diagnosis. Bpd- or more known as Borderline personality disorder. She never got to thank the girl for it either. Part of her was too embarrassed to even approach Tille. Her death though, her death shook her to the core. It was rumored thar she was possessed. That Satan had taken over the poor girls soul. Small town folk were extremely religious and often superstitious but even so, she was like a shining gem among them. Or so she had thought. The brutality that came from her death. The pure hatred and fear that they took out on her body. No one did anything about it. They whispered about in the shadows but lacked the courage to speak out against her murderers. It felt like a hot coal had dropped into the pit of her stomach and Lynette turned to her old vice for comfort. It from there she discovered she had a secret of her own. Luckily she wasn't the only one. She was careful when trying to find the others. Fearful of meeting the same fate but they were lucky in that area at least. No longer feeling safe in the hills they called home; they fled. [/hider] [/Center] [/hider]