Aliyah hit the shower as soon as she got home. Once she was dressed in a pair of comfy sweats and a t-shirt she stood in a corner looking at her place. She needed a plan of attack. She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a trash bag. She would start here. She headed to the cabinet and started pull everything out on the cabinets. She started sorting, unexpired goods went into a box for donation, but anything opened or expired went into the trash. She even found that mysterious can of McCormick seasoning, you know the one, the one that has been with you through 37 moves and expired before you were born. She packed up all her pots and pans, and tossed all of the stuff in the fridge. Cleaning out the cabinets in the kitchen took longer than she thought. When Duncan let himself in she was in the kitchen singing softly scrubing out all of the cabinets with bleach water. She didn't notice him at first, but soon she saw him standing there out of the corner of her eye. She jumped and let out a little screech. "You scared me!" she said laughing as she tossed her rag on the counter and headed over to kiss him hello. "How was your day?"