Ying-mei tried to follow the instructions she'd been given as closely as possible, resisting the urge to release her parachute as soon as she felt the wind whipping at her face. [i]Breathe, Ying-mei, breathe,[/i] she thought to herself. [i]It's okay. It's going to be okay. There's nothing to be afraid of.[/i] Ying-mei let herself fall until about the time that she thought she was supposed to release the parachute, and she let gravity do the rest. Ying-mei landed rather clumsily, and she checked to make sure that she was unharmed. [i]Well...no broken bones or sprains. Perhaps a bit of bruising and scratches and scrapes, but nothing serious or worth making a fuss about.[/i] Ying-mei hoped that the others had landed safely as well. Ying-mei's ears picked up the sound of somebody approaching. For one panicked moment, she thought that it was the Germans. However, Ying-mei soon realized that it was Jean. She mentally let out a sigh of relief. "Nurse Liu, I presume you enjoyed the flight?" he asked. Ying-mei opened her mouth to respond, but she was interrupted by a loud cough. Ying-mei turned, startled, to find a peeved Maria bearing down on them. She told them to only use French from there on out. Ying-mei nodded and packed up the chutes as she instructed, hastily stuffing it all into the pack. She also checked her gear while she was at it, making sure that everything was in order. "I enjoyed it as much as one can enjoy jumping out of a plane," she whispered discreetly to Jean in choppy, heavily accented French. A few moments later, Izkry announced his presence, his sister by his side, as usual. Ying-mei tried to locate the others, to no avail. "I don't see anyone," she told the others, squinting in the darkness.