[@HereComesTheSnow] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - "Student Counselor", Armoury[/b] There isn't much that I can really say about the lad's drills. None my weapons ever did drills, you know, so I really left anything drill-related up to Umeko's department to grab back when we worked together. Getting to know your weapon inside-out, however, is something that's real tekul for every Huntsman out there, and because I'm a teacher and all, I'm pretty much contractually obligated to make sure all the kids do regular maintenance and inspections and what-not. It's expected that we just can't be buggered sometimes to handle this kinda stuff, but that doesn't mean you should act like a dunderhead and avoid doing it, no matter how bloody annoying it might be. You'll never know when your stuff might break on you, and suddenly that Grimm you were playing around with's gotten all-serious and is eyeing you up for its afternoon tea instead. It's usually carelessness that shafts us. The lucky fellas live to the see the next sunrise, humbled by all the kerfuffle. The unlucky ones? Those buggers are gone. And the world will move on, because in the end, after everyone's finished grieving, they'll just be another corpse for the graveyard. A poor sod that nobody's gonna care about, and one day, even their folks will stop caring too. So I guess it's cannie of the lad to get to work on his stuff, though if he's planning on upgrading, I guess it's almost compulsory that he checks out how those gauntlets of his work. You can't expect to just shove a drill in a spear and expect it to be the same, kenspeckle old thing you were using before. Just because an RPG might class their damage types as the same thing doesn't mean that they'll work the same. And why are you even putting a drill in a spear there Simon? That'll be killer on your wrists you know! If you don't wanna keep on being a 'dim guy' then you'd best stay away from that path! "[color=d8bfd8]Teàrlag,[/color]" I reply. Going to have to keep the boy's name in mind in case he rocks up to my door or something. "[color=d8bfd8]Nice to meet you, Luke.[/color]"