[center][h3]Lily [color=00aeef]♥[/color] Soul of Paitence[/h3] [color=00aeef][u][b]Interaction:[/b][/u][/color][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Inner Demon] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI4LjA2YTdlNS5Ja0oxZENCMGFHVWdaMkZ0WlhNZ2JtVjJaWElnWlc1a0lHRnVaQ0J6YnlCcGRDQmpiMjUwYVc1MVpYTXVMaTRpLjA,/cheesegum-demo.regular.png[/img] [hr] Just as panic was about to set in at the thought that no one would come to her rescue, she heard a voice yelling closer to her than the other voices she heard. It took a bit of maneuvering her upper body but she was able to twist slightly, enough to crane her head around in the direction of the shouting. He was a bit sideways but Lilia was able to clearly make out a boy across the river from where she laid, trapped. He waved at her before darting to the side and pulling his...clothes on? Why did he have them off in the first place? A thought for later. She watched with baited breath as he heaved and shoved at a tree until it fell down to make a bridge. Wow, he sure was strong. His journey across the tree was tense and Lily felt her breath catch every time he or his make-shift bridge wobbled. But thankfully he made it across without incident and darted over to her. Relief skittered down her spine. Never before has she ever been thankful to see another person in her life. She gave a small smile in return. [color=00aeef]"I'm alright. I don't feel any pain so I don't think I'm hurt, just stuck and I can't move this thing on my own." [/color] She gave an ineffective shove against the seat to prove her point. As she spoke she heard shouting and looked over just in time to see a boy fall to the ground. Her eyes widened as she gazed at him, hoping he was okay. She breathed a sigh of relief when he climbed to his feet and made his way over to them. [color=00aeef]"I'm alright. I'm not hurt, just stuck and I can't move it on my own. What about you though? That was quite a nasty fall. Maybe you shouldn't move around too much just in case you hurt your head." [/color] Seeing other children gave her hope that the rest of the kids on the bus plus the teachers were okay as well. Hopefully they could get this seat off of her and they could go find the others and figure out what to do next. They obviously must have fallen down a hole they didn't initially see upon their descent down the mountain side so there must be a way out...Right? [/center]