Duncan just smiled and wrapped both arms around Aliyah. Most people would scarcely recognize Duncan from several years ago. Years ago he could barely get one arm around another person - and even that would have made him want to run screaming. Aliyah was easy to hug. “You know .. you TOLD me to just let myself in. I did knock. Anyways, I’d call my day … productive. I went a long ways toward getting the money stuff sorted, taxes done. I sent offers to an estate manager and a butler. I gave the go ahead for 5 investment brokerages to start making my money work. I put attorneys to work drafting ethics agreements for my CEO’s. I went through a bunch of resumes for accountants. I think I would have rather watched the pain dry, but at least it was productive. I still have about $50 million free for travel use. And I set an income for myself of about $10 million a month.” He ran his ideas for getting everything moved and stored. “You know, I am thinking of running back to Albuquerque first to meet my estate manager in person. I don’t know. I guess it just feels weird hiring someone so remotely.” He looked around. “Are we still going to have a place to sleep here? Or do we need to make other plans. And what are the plans for work … and tonight?” He smiled. “I’m a classic Libra. I have to know everything so I can plan life to a tee. And yes … I know it never works out that way.”