[hider=Violet Black] Name: Violet Black [color=8882be]Creative name, right? Yeah, my parents' sense of humor is moderate at best.[/color] Gender: Female Age: 15 Place of Birth: Hospital in Ikebukuro in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan. Has lived in many countries. (See "History" for more information.) Sexuality: Homosexual, though with no interest in romance or sex in general, to the point of being classifiable as Asexual. Relationship Status: N/A. Occupation: Student. Power and Cost: [hider=Power] Power: Has a natural vector-altering field that extends 5 inches (12.7 cm) from her body that reduces all vectors within it. Any vectors applied to this field from outside that aren't zero are increasingly cut as they travel through the field. Can extend this field to up to 0.5 km, and consciously manipulate up to three different vectors at a time within her field, whether extended or otherwise. Can prevent the vector reducing effect from affecting things that enter her field. Naturally and unconsciously uses her power on herself as necessary to survive. (Sort of needed, or she'd just die when she went to sleep.) The multitude of vectors this requires implies that she will eventually grow much more powerful, and/or that she would be much more powerful already if she didn't need to control the vectors required to allow air in and out, breathe, have her heart beat, allow electricity and chemicals to flow through her body, etc. This affect seems to apply to other living things as well, as people who have entered her field have survived despite the field reducing all vectors originating within it to zero, which would otherwise be fatal. Can use her control of vectors to alter locational vectors, allowing for minor teleportation. Most often uses this to avoid needing to go to the bathroom by removing waste from within the body to another location. Example of what this means: If someone were to shoot her, the bullet's acceleration, velocity, and force vectors would all be cut severely by the time it makes contact with her. This means that, depending on the initial values that in this scenario would be based on the firepower of the gun, the bullet's actual effect would vary from bouncing off her harmlessly, continuing to be cut as it does so and eventually resulting in it simply floating in place within her field, (which would then eventually become stuck to her due to cutting its dislocation vector) to retaining enough force that it could send her flying as if it were a normal person being hit by a small fist punching them quite hard. It would take an incredibly powerful force to achieve the affect of a bullet on a normal person. For example, a railgun would almost certainly still pierce through her. Alternatively, if she were hit by a semi-truck, depending on its speed, it would still likely send her flying quite a ways and do pretty sever damage to her body both from the initial impact with the truck and with the impact as she lands, due to its high mass. Drawbacks: - Can't turn it completely off. - All vectors that begin within her field (natural field only, not extended field) are zero. - Due to the above, her weight vector is zero, making her totally weightless so she has to wear super-heavy anklets and/or wristbands that are large enough to escape her field. - Things that enter her field will eventually be stuck to her due to their displacement vector growing smaller. - Must constantly use her power to consciously manipulate vectors on herself in order to move. Otherwise her velocity vector of zero would prevent her from moving. - Must move at a consistent velocity or use her power to consciously manipulate vectors on herself in order to move. Otherwise her acceleration vector of zero would prevent her from moving/moving at varying velocities. - Must constantly use one slot of her controllable vectors on herself in order to move, otherwise she wouldn't be able to move because her force vector is zero. - Has to use all three of her initially available consciously controlled vectors in order to move. (Force, Velocity, Acceleration.) - Her field is reduced to the middle layer of her skin when she is unconscious. Cost: Extending her field lessens her blood pressure in amounts relative to the size it is extended to. Controlling vectors consciously depletes her body's supply of blood sugar relative to the number of vectors she is controlling. Three vectors will cause her to lose blood sugar at a rate of 10 points per hour. (For reference, since I don't want to assume you guys have diabetics in your family like I do, 300 is very high and 30 is very low. Going above or below these levels can be very dangerous. The safe and almost constant range for a non-diabetic is 80 to 120.) Four vectors increases the rate to 20, five to 40, six to 80, etc. Weaknesses: - Scalars. - Lack of weights to keep her from flying into space. - Own self. - Anything that would alter her homeostasis as this could easily kill her. Further information: [hider=Physics is fun] It's a physics based power, so it can be hard to follow. Okay so basically the way it works is: Each vector is like muscles. She has to sort of learn how to affect each different vector the way someone would learn a new muscle. The way I was going to have her explain it to the group is: "Imagine if you woke up with a tail tomorrow. It would be really hard for you to figure out how to move the muscles in it because you didn't have that infant stage where it became natural for you. Or like moving a single toe at a time. It's difficult to figure out how to do." The only ones she knows how to use with any real skill are the ones she needs to move, and even them she's got limited control over. A vector is basically anything with both magnitude and direction. So stuff like force, velocity, acceleration, gravity, dislocation, etc. Dislocation is the odd one out there because it's the one not as many people know about. It's basically the difference between two locations. Movement requires force to actually get it to start moving and continue moving, because movement is a force and generates further force. Velocity is basically speed. Acceleration is just change in velocity. So movement requires all three of these, and because she can't generate any vectors above zero since she's in her own field, she has to control these three vectors to move. And since her own weight vector is zero, if she doesn't either control it directly or wear weights that escape her field to give her weight, she'll basically just fly into space. How the field itself works is a bit mathy, but it basically cuts all vectors of anything that enters it by an additional five percent each inch closer to her it gets, meaning that something that goes all the way through to make contact with her would have all its vectors cut by a total of 75%. So if something is moving at 100 mph, it would only hit her at 25 mph. Her biggest problem is that anything that stops within her field would continuously have its dislocation cut by the correct percentage until eventually the thing in her field was stuck to her with a dislocation of zero. The longer something is in her field, the more it gets cut by the correct percentage based on how close to her it is. This also means that things basically just slow down when they get close to her, so to take the snake example, she'd have plenty of time to move out of the way of a biting snake because it would get slowed down so much. The cost is basically that controlling one to three vectors drops her blood sugar by ten points an hour, and extending her field drops her blood pressure. And since she needs to control vectors just to move... She's basically got to eat a lot of sugar constantly or she'll eventually go into diabetic shock. And in extreme situations, where she'd have to extend her field, there's a huge risk of her passing out or worse due to low blood pressure. And while she's passed out, she can't affect her weight, so if she isn't wearing weights to keep her on the ground, she'll just start floating away. The lucky thing is that while she's passed out, she's not moving with her controlled vectors so her blood sugar isn't dropping too. [/hider] [/hider] Appearance: Violet is a caucasian girl with light brown hair that she keeps straight and that reaches to just below her shoulders at the back, brown eyes that are a slightly lighter shade than her hair, and no scars or blemishes on any part of her body. She stands at five foot 3 inches, and has a notably athletic build with visibly toned muscles. She is underweight at ninety-eight pounds, though she contests that this is not an issue as her medium A-cup breasts take away weight that would be there for other females of her height. [color=8882be]It's true! If I were bustier, I'd weigh more! I'm only underweight because I have smaller than average tits, okay!?[/color] She almost always wears a variation of the same outfit. She wears a skirt that reaches to a little above her knees, a pair of short cargo shorts underneath and below that athletic spats that reach beyond the bottom of the shorts. She also wears athletic socks underneath warming socks that cover most of her shins. Her upper body is covered by a black sports bra under a purple tank-top, every instance of which has an image of some sort on the front of. Her outfit is completed by a black sweatshirt with a rose that sits over her heart when it is fully zipped, and stems and vines with thorns to match the rose spreading over the rest of the hoodie, along with a larger rose on the center of the back. She also wears heavy, metal bracers on her lower arms and shins that each weigh one hundred fifty pounds and are six inches thick on each side. Her power causes the first five inches to be weightless, so each bracer adds only twenty-five pounds to her weight. These bracers create the one hundred pounds of weight that keep her from floating into space. The metal used is stainless steel, making them very useful as protection as well. However, since these extend beyond her field, targeting them with high force can affect her with the full force of the hit. She wears a thin metal backpack under her sweatshirt where she keeps blood pressure and blood sugar testing equipment, as well as all the sugar filled food she can fit inside. Skills: She is capable of cooking quite well, and is also a very talented singer. She has very good drawing skills, but always has trouble trying to color her art or paint. She has learned to play several instruments to varying degrees, most notably the guitar, violin, and piano. She has somewhat above basic survival skills, including education on what fauna and flora is and isn't edible and how to best prepare meals from whatever food may be available in a given area. She also knows intermediate medical skills. [color=8882be]"Very talented," yeah, sure. I'm the [i]best[/i] singer, thank you very much.[/color] Personality: [hider=Personality] [center][h2]Sociopath[/h2][/center] [center][h3]- (Noun) a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.[/h3][/center] Violet can best be described by her actions and by what others have said about her, as well as her own statements. As such, she has been allowed to comment on this file in purple text. Attempts to describe her traditionally are generally met with failure, as she is eccentric to the point of being nearly non-understandable. The most obvious facets of her personality are her strange sense of humor and her tendency to either be extremely excitable and extroverted or extremely introverted and reflective, with seemingly no middle ground aside from her "jokes." (See "Quotes" for more information.) She is incredibly intelligent and well educated; in a sense she is exactly what one would expect from the child of two world-travelling, incredibly successful entrepreneurs (See "History" for more information.) in that she is not only a prodigy in many regards, but has few social skills and many odd quirks. [color=8882be]Fuck you I don't have social skills! I have plenty of social skills! I'm like, the most skilled socializer ever![/color] She has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with snakes and an equally unhealthy hatred of insects. Due to a disorder she does not fully experience the sensation of pain that a regular person would. That is not to say that pain is totally eliminated, rather that her body's nerves don't react as strongly to painful stimuli, resulting in her feeling less pain. This, in combination with her total lack of fear of death has resulted in several self-inflicted hospitalizations throughout her lifetime. Perhaps due to her disorder, or perhaps simply a quirk of her mind, she does not exhibit the usual reactions to injury. (Screaming, clutching the wound, etc.) [color=8882be]Snakes are the best. I had a pet snake named "Nagi." I named him that cause my favorite character in a manga was related to snakes and named "Nagisa," plus it's kind of like "Naga" so I thought it was the perfect name. He was a red-tailed boa and ate rats. He was the best, but then one day when we were moving, he got out of his tank and was loose in the area. He killed three people, I was so proud of him. But then everyone wanted to find and kill him, so I made sure to find him first and release him far away into the wild. I really miss him.[/color] *For the record, Nagi now lives a relatively peaceful life where he was released. He has several children.* [color=8882be]No but really I fucking hate insects and anything like them. The only acceptable ones are wasps, butterflies, and manti. Wasps look awesome and they're like living balls of hate that lay eggs in other insects that kills them. They pollinate cool trees and there's a wasp that fucking [i]eats tarantulas[/i] and there is no greater justice in the world than killing those fuckers. Seriously, if you purposefully bring a spider within three miles of me, I will rip out your larynx and shove it so far up your ass that it goes back into place upside down. Anyway, butterflies are cool cause they're beautiful and, like, think about it. They spend their whole lives travelling many times their body length so they can eat enough to create a cocoon, then they hibernate while their bodies become awesome and then they live the last bit of their lives just pollinating flowers and looking cool. [i]They[/i] are like the real example of hard workers. Oh, you built a monument, cool, but can you travel thousands of miles then morph your body into something cool and then spend your life working every time you have a meal? No? Then shut up. Butterflies are cool, man. And manti? Oh man, manti are the greatest. Like, they have [i]swords[/i] for [i]arms.[/i] I would love to have swords for arms, are you kidding? Plus, they look badass, AND they eat other insects. They're like, perfect. And the males are the best parents ever, like they literally die so that the female can survive without needing to hunt for a while as the eggs develop and hatch. If human guys were like that, the world would be so much nicer.[/color] *Okay, so maybe she's idealized manti a bit.* [color=8882be]Oh, yeah, that. I know it's probably not why I just don't get scared of being in mortal danger, but I like to think it's because of this. So you know how there's like a moment where you sort of "activate?" Like when you first start being conscious and making memories? Yeah so, that happened to me when I was in japan, and my parents had brought me to a food place where the food is prepared in front of the customers, right? Well, first thing I ever saw that was actually capable of becoming a memory was a live fish getting its head cut off. So I like to think my brain was just like "Okay, pause." and went off to a corner and was like "Well, I [i]was[/i] going to be a pretty average girl, grow up to be a success in some field, and just generally be 'normal,' but..." and then it looked back at the fish getting its head cut off and was like "Nope, fuck that, sociopath. Wait, I'm activated now, no time to talk to myself. I need to get back to the girl." and then just everything sort of went from there. Oh and that pain thing? Yeah, like, I obviously don't know how it feels for other people, but pain doesn't really bother me. And like, you know how when humans and other mammals cry out when they get hurt as a survival mechanism to get other members of the pack to come assist them? I just like... don't have that instinct? Like when I get hurt, my brain's just like "okay, so I'm injured now, cool. Noted, now what was I doing again?" and just sort of ignores it. Plus I've got like, a pretty morbid sense of humor when it comes to injuries? I still remember when I was... seven-ish? I was at my cousin's place and we were playing, well he jumped out of a tree from too high up and broke his leg. Like, it was clearly broken by the way it was twisted. And I just sort of stared at it for a while as he was screaming and crying and then looked him in the eyes, told him to look at me, and then said "walk it off." He started crying even more after that, but [i]I[/i] for one thought it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure I just sat on a nearby rock after that and waited for his parents to hear him and come get him?[/color] *Yes, she actually did just sit down and watch her cousin cry in pain with a broken leg until an adult heard him and came over. She then followed them inside and played games until the ambulance arrived.* [hider=Quotes about Violet from those who have known her] As I said above, Violet is best described by her actions and by what has been said about her. As such, I've collected several statements from her family and previous classmates. Having been home-schooled well beyond her age's general education, she skipped all of primary school as well as middle school and spent only a single semester in each year of high school. During her sophomore "year", at age twelve and thirteen, her fellow students wrote quotes and stories about her to be collected into a book that she was given when she completed the "year," as a farewell present for her moving schools. The following are several excerpts. Somehow, a common theme traveled among the student body, and many chose to use this theme in their statements. "'Violet is simultaneously the most childish and most mature teenager I've ever met.' I had math class with her, and it was insane. So you know those assignments we get every day or two? Well, most of us had to take at least half the class to finish them, but I swear to god she did them in like thirty seconds. I'd be on the fourth problem and she'd have already given hers to the teacher to be graded. But that's not the weird thing. For the rest of class, she'd be on her phone and she was playing a [i]Hello Kitty[/i] game. Not like, a game just with the characters, but like a game specifically made for little kids. I asked her the name once and looked it up and it was for three years and up, and just a serious Hello Kitty game. She played it [i]three times[/i], just in a row over the first month or so, and then she moved on to this game where you have to move blocks so that one will be able to get to a certain place. There were days where I'd watch her for the entire class, and she would literally just do the same level over and over for the whole hour." [color=8882be]I thought it would be funny for a highschooler to play a Hello Kitty game for kids in class, so I just sorta did it. Same with doing the same puzzle over and over for the whole class. It just seemed like it would be funny to do so I did it.[/color] "Violet is terrifying sometimes. One day, a kid fell down the stairs and got really hurt, he was bleeding and his ankle was twisted weird, I think he landed on a pen or something to cause the bleeding? Me and Violet both saw him fall and rushed over to see if he was okay, and as he was crying she just suddenly turned her head and stared at the top of the stairs for a long time. It felt like ten minutes as I was trying to get her attention again. She was staring really intently like there was something dangerous up there. Then all the sudden she just turns really quickly so she's looking at me and said 'I think I just saw a ghost.' Then she turned to the injured kid and grabbed him, holding his cheeks in her hands and his eyes open with her thumbs, and just stared into his eyes for a second before saying 'I think it was yours if you don't get to a fucking hospital soon.' with a totally serious expression as if she'd just told him he had an hour to live. Then she just stood back up and walked down the stairs to the first floor and went somewhere. The kid practically went into shock, I wound up accidentally bumping his injured leg into a door frame and he just sort of whimpered instead of shouting in pain. I confronted her the next day about it and she just said it was 'a joke to help him calm down.' Ever since then, I've been terrified of getting seriously hurt when nobody but her is around to help, because I think she'd just ignore me." [color=a187be]Oh, I remember that. Yeah, that was pretty hilarious. I actually had to leave school because I was laughing so hard after walking away. But yeah, I'd totally have left this girl if she got hurt, probably after making a joke, heh.[/color] "Violet is insane as hell but I love it. I've pretty much been stalking her whenever I could in school after something in shop class. Remember the buzzsaw there? Not the portable one, but the one on a lever that lowers it to just barely not touching the surface you set the wood you're working with on? One day in class, she was over there using it, and all the sudden there was this loud crash as the saw went back up into place since the lever was suddenly let go while it was down. Everyone in class was startled and looked over at her. She just turned around and looked at the teacher with a totally straight face and asked 'Can I use the bathroom now?' and the teacher asked 'Well, can you hold it until after class?' And she just held up her left pointer finger which was covered in blood and had bone showing through this huge cut for a few seconds, then grabbed it with her other hand and said 'Sure' and just turned around and went back to working on her project while holding her finger with her right hand. She didn't even flinch or scream or act like she was in pain at all, it was creepy. Well the teacher sent her to the nurse and I assume she went to the hospital. I'm sure you all remember the day she got on the intercom somehow? That was the day after. Remember how just all the sudden she was talking on it and said 'If any students need help with learning shop safety, I'm holding a special study group on the roof after school. Bring a knife and food.' and how shop class for everyone was just tool safety for the next week or so while they cleaned the saw? Ever since then I was trying to see her as often as I could because I wanted to see how she'd react to stuff." [color=8882be]Oooooh, that's right. That was actually really funny, I wound up laughing the entire time I was getting my finger patched up. I was lucky I noticed it just before it cut through the bone or I might have lost the finger.[/color] "So I know the whole thing is supposed to be 'Oh she's the most and least mature person I've ever met.' but this story is much more important. To set the scene, I was waiting in the office where the assistant principals are because I was accused of having pot on me. Really, I had just spent the night at a friend's place and his big bro had been smoking and drinking all night so we both smelled like it, but that's why I was there. All the sudden Violet walks in and sits down a seat away from me playing with a screwdriver, like tossing it back and forth in her hands or flipping it and catching it. Well, Maxwell opened his door after a minute and called her in, but neither of them remembered to shut the door, so I could hear them talking. He said that there had been several reports of her having a weapon on her, and she just looks at him and says '[i]Anything[/i] could be a weapon.' I could tell that me and him both thought the same thing, which was 'oh shit, the screwdriver.' But she just slams it down on his table and picks up the little statue he had on his desk, then slams it into her forehead hard enough that the entire office heard it, then she just stands up, says 'But yes, I always carry a pocketknife in case I'm in danger in or out of school.' and walks away with all this blood coming from her forehead. I watched through the glass behind me as she just walked out of the school. Well, she didn't show up for a week after that, and when she did I asked her why she had been gone and she told me it was 'a self applied suspension, to save Maxwell the trouble of kicking her out for a week.' Then she goes to the office and I follow her and pretend to wait for something as I sat down because I wanted to see what happened. She walked into Maxwell's office and pulled out this knife with one of those giant erasers shoved on the blade and said 'I childproofed the knife.' with a totally serious voice and walked out, presumably to her first class. I lost it at that." [color=8882be]See, [i]this[/i] kid gets it. My jokes are awesome.[/color] "Violet is simultaneously the most and least mature person I know, and she also might be slightly demonic? Okay so I had biology with her, and when we were dissecting actual frogs she just put these medical gloves on and did the dissection in about a quarter of the time it took everyone else. But then the day we were doing a virtual dissection of snakes, she set the room on fire and nobody knows how she did it. It was like a magic trick or something but nobody saw her use a match or a lighter or even like sticks or something, and when she was searched afterwords supposedly they didn't find anything. But it was like cartoon physics. The teacher brought in a dead snake to dissect while we all did the virtual ones, so she could show us what they actually looked like, and I swear Violet's stare and anger is what started the fire. She was glaring at the teacher as if she had killed her family and then all the sudden the paper in front of her caught fire. It was small enough that we didn't have to leave the school but class got cancelled. There's a rumor that the occult club considers her a paranormal being because of that day, even." [color=8882be]Right, [i]that.[/i] I was [i]pissed[/i]. We were told for weeks that it was just a virtual dissection and we wouldn't have to actually cut open snakes, and then the fucking teacher brought one in anyway! I mean, I know the snake was raised to be dissected but that's fucked up! Everyone responsible for that shit should be tied up and sent to biology classes to be dissected when learning the human body, and they should be dissected while they're still alive. But about the fire. I had sandpaper because I was working on my shop class project outside of class, and I had it in my hand because I liked playing with it. Then when I saw the dead snake I got really pissed and I think I just wound up rubbing the sandpaper against itself so hard and fast that a bit of it came off while really hot and landed on the paper. It would be really cool if I could light fires with my eyes though.[/color] "Well, one of the scariest things my daughter ever did was when she was seven or so. We were at the beach and she suddenly came over with a snake she was holding just behind the head, and said 'Look dad! It's a pelagic sea snake!' Later that day, I looked up what that is and found out it was [i]incredibly[/i] venomous, but at the time all I knew was that my little girl was holding a snake that she herself was telling me had a really potent venom. I was panicking on the inside and she asked me if we could keep it. She asked 'Dad, can we keep...' then she turned it so she was looking under it and stared at it for a few seconds before continuing 'her!? I'm sure Nagi would love a new friend! Not that I'd let her near my Nagi, she might bite him, so she'd need her own tank. Plus she needs water and Nagi doesn't so she'd need her own anyway...' I was terrified that she was going to get bitten but I had to convince her not to try to bring it with her, so I told her that the snake probably preferred to live out at the beach instead of cramped in a tank. She just looked at me like I said something confusing and asked 'Why? I'm sure she'd prefer a life where she just eats and lays about. I'd love a life of just eating and laying about. Then again, it might get pretty boring... And she might have a husband and kids...' And this is why that day was burned into my memory, because she turned the snake and held it about an inch from her face and stared into its eyes for what felt like forever with how panicked I was, and she asked it 'Why are you so important, dangit?' and walked off with it to put it back where she found it. I followed to make sure she didn't get bit but she gently threw it into a little pool that formed from the ocean water and walked away as if there wasn't a dangerous snake right behind her. Luckily the snake just slithered away in the other direction but it was probably the most frightening moment of my life." [color=8882be]It's not like I was in any danger anyway. I knew how to correctly handle snakes since I was five. It was the first thing I actually tried to learn on my own, cause snakes are cool.[/color] [/hider] [/hider] History: Kept brief at Violet's request. Her parents are both very successful at their respective businesses, and due to the volatility of their professions, they often have to travel to various countries. They were living in Japan during the time Violet was born, but since then have lived in Russia, China, Australia, England, Ireland, Egypt, France, Canada, The United States, and several other, less notable locations. As such, Violet has at least a rudimentary grasp of the various languages she grew up around, though she is only fluent in English and Japanese. (At her own request, as she had an interest in learning the language of her place of birth, even if she might never need to know it.) She was homeschooled until the age of ten, gaining an education that could easily qualify as college-level, and then began attending public schools "for the social experience" and to get certified as having had a formal education. Until recently, she has been enrolled in online college courses at multiple colleges. She has since dropped out after gaining her powers. Her parents had taken her to the Wildlife Charity Gala, where she gained her power. Since then, she has remained in her home and spent her time trying to study herself and her newfound abilities. [color=8882be]Yeah, I'm sure you all are nice people, but I don't like the idea of my life being out there for anyone to read. Thanks.[/color] Further Comments: [hider=Further Comments] Violet felt the need to say some additional things, so this is where those things will be put, along with the information she volunteered about herself. [color=8882be]You want to know about me, DW? Aren't you like, omniscient when it comes to my life, since you're, you know, in another universe and linked here with your mind or something? I guess I can give the usual like I did back in school. So, I've been called "Sarcasm Incarnate," "Irony Incarnate," "Simultaneously the most childish and most mature girl ever," "Faggot," and, my personal favorite, "Queen 'Beat you in a fist fight with her words.'" I don't really have any fears or anything, but I [i]hate[/i] insects and anything insect-like, such as millipedes and centipedes and spiders. I once stabbed someone for putting a fake spider in my locker. Last I knew, they were still catatonic, since I sort of stabbed them under the chin... Anyway. I [i]love[/i] snakes, I like cats cause they're cute, and I like wolves and dogs that look like wolves cause they're cool. They've got that sleek, badass look to them and that makes up for them being dogs and gross. I had a pet boa named "Nagi" who killed three people so I had to put him on the lamb and sneak him out into the wild. I supposedly feel less pain than the average person, and I don't have the normal reactions to pain. But if someone tries to punch me to test that or something, word of warning, I [i]will[/i] hurt you worse, because anatomy trumps strength any day, and I'm also decently strong. My favorite traits are my ability to kill an average sized human adult with as little as a sewing needle. No, I haven't actually done it, I just know how to. I'm also really proud of my singing, so I tend to sing a lot when I'm happy or sad or... feeling anything, really. So that's pretty much it, is that good enough, DW?[/color] [color=8882be]Okay, so can I just say for the record, [i]fuck[/i] highschool juniors? So I wound up realizing I was and then coming out as a lesbian in my so called "junior year." Like eighty percent of my fellow juniors started calling me names trying to insult me. Jokes on them, I lit some of their backpacks on fire in the yard and suddenly they stopped calling me things to my face. But I got revenge. Since I was getting to the next year before anyone else, I got my yearbook and got it signed before anyone else. So pretty much every page just says "Fag" on it with the first few pages saying "F" then a ton of pages with "A" and the last ones with "G," which was fine. The cool people said really nice stuff and drew like hearts and stuff and this one girl, and trust me I'll talk about her in a minute, wrote me a love poem that was surprisingly really well written and sweet. But I got my revenge by getting all the people who were cool with me to write "Faggot" in everyone's yearbook that they signed, so it's likely the entire year's worth of students have their yearbook calling them it, so I've dubbed them the "Year of the Fags and Fuckers." But the school was really cool and let me sign other people's yearbooks early. [i]That[/i] was a mistake. Every single person in the year who had called me names? Yeah, they've got a page of their yearbook that's just a giant sketch of two girls fucking and the quote "Well, I might be a fag, but I bet you guys are the ones who fap to fags, so here ya go. Have fun." I left that year [i]very[/i] satisfied with my legacy.[/color] [color=8882be]Highschool seniors are much more accepting of lesbians, I've found. They had their own campus separate from the other three years at the school I was at, and that was helpful. Maybe it's because that's when everyone is "experimenting" or something, but there were very few people there who were anti-gay. In fact, once it got out that I was gay, I actually had quite a few girls ask me out. And every single one I responded to the same way. I beckoned them closer, leaned up if they were taller or down in the rare cases they were shorter, put my lips right to their ear and whispered in my quietest voice, "I'm fourteen." That got rid of them pretty quick, but I'm pretty sure I made one girl a pedophile. See that girl who wrote me a poem the semester before? She was only a junior for that semester that I was one because she was a couple credits behind, so she moved to a senior when I did. She never did let up on trying to date me, even when she found out she was four years older than me. She was a pretty cool girl though, I hope she's doing okay now.[/color] [/hider] [/hider]