She laughed as he teased her about showering. Showering together could be something very fun, but not in her shower. It would be far too diffuclt to fit them both in there in any way that could result in pleasant activities. She blinked and rolled her eyes up to keep from tearing up as he mentioned plans for a goodbye shindig with her coworkers. It was by far the sweetest thing anyone had ever proposed. She grinned at him as he listed out his ideas. She couldn't think of anything that sounded better. "You know, and I can't believe I am saying this... it sounds like a great idea. I think it could be a lot of fun. " She slid her hand in his and tugged him towards the couch. "A lazy night in sounds just fine by me. Let's just avoid activities that involve Gary making me go shopping. He's worse than my grandmother." She laughed. Letting him sit on the couch while she went to the dresser that served as her makeshift TV stand. She folded the edges of a box marked "Pillsbury Frozen Biscuits" Duncan was so organized, that what she was about to do was likely to drive him absolutely crazy. She pulled out the first dresser drawer and riffled through it. It held several cut lengths of Aida cloth which she laid on the coffee table, a couple of hoops, a package of needles and what seemed like a million skeins of embroidery floss. She pulled out the hoops, needles, and some black and white floss. The rest she just unceremoniously dumped into the box before sliding the drawer back in place. She opened the next drawer which was pens, colored pencils, pads of graph paper, and other small craft items. She dumped those into the box as well. When the box was full she closed the flaps, taped it shut and marked it "CRAFT CRAP STORAGE" The last two drawers were full of what was commonly called fat quarters, rectangles of fabric cut 18" by 22" These were all dumped into a box as well. She labeled that box "FQ STORE" She looked at Duncan and shrugged a little. "Do you want to go back to the hotel tonight, or can we stay here and finish this up? I think by the end of the night, I should be done so that all that is left is moving out the furniture and cleaning everything really good."