[quote=@EmzyOfNeverland] [@Obscene Symphony][@Hannibal][@Legion02][@1Hawkeyes][@SouffleGirl123][@DarknessDawning][@Emma][@KimmiNinja][@GrizzTheMauler] Here are the two royals not taken by users: Elise Cassandra Krishkov 7th born child 352 Elise is very quiet and reserved, spending most of her time in the castle library. She is the go to person if anyone needs knowledge or information. Her bedroom is connected to the library. Larkin Jasper Krishkov 9th born child 249 Larkin is the only Krishkov child with a mate and resides in Athens, Greece with his mate, Juliana. He is a very entitled piece of work. He doesn't visit very often. [/quote] Adding faceclaims to these lovely wallflowers. [hider=Larkin][img]http://amarillo.com/sites/default/files/GOGrangerSmithcropped_0.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Juliana(Larkins Mate) ][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/Jemima-West-cast-as-Isabelle-Lightwood-simon-and-isabelle-31197456-333-500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Elise][img]http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18bovkmq525hnjpg/original.jpg[/img][/hider]