[center][color=#9F79EE][h3]L I L Y[/h3][/color] [color=#9F79EE][u][b]Interaction:[/b][/u][/color][@Polaris North] [hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI4LjA2YTdlNS5Ja0oxZENCMGFHVWdaMkZ0WlhNZ2JtVjJaWElnWlc1a0lHRnVaQ0J6YnlCcGRDQmpiMjUwYVc1MVpYTXVMaTRpLjA,/cheesegum-demo.regular.png[/img] [hr] Lily continued to stare at him with wide-eyes, brain working in over-time as it ran around in circles trying to figure out what to do. He didn't look like a monster. And if he wasn't a monster out to eat her, then she didn't have any business pointing a gun at him. She tried to picture herself in his shoes; she wouldn't want a gun pointed at her either. With that, she carefully put the gun back into the holster before she grabbed her hat from the ground, dusted it off, then piled her braid back inside it. [color=#9F79EE]"I'm sorry about that. I thought you were a monster that wanted to eat me."[/color] She said quietly, straightening her backpack on her shoulders. She bit her lip, shoe scuffing the ground. This was the first living person she had conversed with in three days so she honestly wasn't sure of what to say. How's the weather? Nice day for a zombie apocalypse wasn't it? Then her manners kicked in. [color=#9F79EE]"My name is Lily, it's nice to meet you. Are you okay? We ran into each other pretty hard."[/color] She herself wasn't all that hurt, just a bit bruised from where she had collided with the ground. Thankfully she wasn't cut or bleeding. She checked to make sure the knife was still secured on her belt then swung her backpack around to peek inside to make sure nothing was damaged. When she saw that everything seemed to be fine, she shrugged her backpack back on then looked at the boy in front of her. [color=#9F79EE]"Um..I should probably be going. I need to make it to the gas station before it gets dark."[/color] As nice as it was to talk to another human being, Lily really needed to find a map before it got too dark to travel. Not only that, she would need to figure out a place to stay for the night. This boy probably had important things he needed to attend to as well and she shouldn't keep him from them any longer. [/center]