She was up just high enough that they couldn’t reach her, even jumping. Ada couldn’t get any higher since the branches thinned out considerably. The red head clung close to the trunk of the tree, trying to avoid the spines on the thinner branches protruding from the body of the tree. Staying as calm as she could manage, she watched the creatures pace, moving like a pack of dogs. It might have fascinated her to no end, if she wasn’t currently the one on the dinner table. Sleeping in the tree wasn't exactly the best option, but with the determination of the reptiles circling the tree like they might figure out how to reach her, she realized there really wasn't much of an option. Even then she wasn't sure that they wouldn't figure out a way to get to her in the middle of the night. She might fall. She might not. Ada glanced down at the creatures once more. One jumped ever closer, teeth catching the lace on the hem of her robe. She squeaked not unlike a startled mouse and she drew her legs up further. It would have likely been fast. That was about the only promising thing. They acted both like a pack of wolves, and a big cat all rolled up into one. There was the sound of something in the brush and Adeline could only hope that it wasn't a larger lizard. The thunderous crack of a gunshot sounded and she almost fell right out of the tree. Then she spotted her would] be rescuer. A man who looked like he could have been about her own age. He was built like the men she'd seen coming in from the west. Muscle set upon a strong frame. The gun he held was nothing like she had ever seen though. It perplexed her a little. The hand offered to her by her rescue was accepted graciously. Ada tried not to make too much of a fool of herself as she clambered down the tree and pulled her robe around herself to hide the rather thin fabric covering her modesty. "Thank you." When her bare feet settled onto the ground she gave an uneasy glance around. Even with the massive gun slung over the imposing man’s shoulder, she didn’t want to end up face to face with those gaping maws of teeth. Duncan. “Adeline,” She stated in turn, lifting her blue green eyes to get a peek at him. He towered over her, and her nose wrinkled a little bit. “ Adeline O’Conner.” The woman tried to sort herself at least a little bit. Pushing her fingers back through her hair, they caught in the salt dried curls. Ada took the offered water gratefully. Then the hard part started. The walk was grueling, even as he moved slowly for her. Her feet ached from the punishment of stone, stick and thorn. She was certain that she’d have blisters but Ada never complained once. She wasn’t a frail woman. The red head was strong and set to prove she could make it on her own, even if right now she wasn’t terribly sure where she would start on this island. When they entered the wide mouth of the cave she frowned a little bit. No wonder she hadn’t seen any smoke. If he was living in a cave the smoke would disperse. They moved back through the cave to the point where it tapered down to a small point where glass separated the sections, she jumped a little bit when it moved out of the way on it’s own. Ada found herself stock still just the other side of the glass when the lights came on on the other side. This was something out of a novel! It both excited and scared her to no end. Ada let her wide eyed gaze wander for a moment. Ghosts? No. Not likely! And the grin trying to curl across his face was enough of a give away to tell her that wasn’t the truth. His laugh flustered her slightly and Ada huffed at him, looking around the space as she followed him further in. It was like nothing she’d ever set eyes on. Sure she might have read about such things in books, but it was not like this. As he spoke, she just kind of watched him like he was from another world. For all she knew he WAS. Ada watched curiously as he explained the device he’d tucked the food into. Microwave. Right. She’d remember that. Not likely. “ Pardon my bluntness. But who am I going to tell that would believe me?” Her voice was quiet, perhaps filled with curiosity. The furrow of the red heads brow smoothed a bit. “ I would be put in an institution in moments!” Ada moved past him to get a look at the strange device he’d called a microwave. “ It is human nature to fight and war. So is the way of things. People get upset, or angry and the only way they know how to solve problems is through violence. It’s a tale as old as time, I’m afraid.” The Irish womans voice softened a bit, “ And the innocent suffer for the cruelty of their own kind. We can only point ourselves forward and try to push for a better life.” She brushed her fingers across the top of the cooking device and then turned to look at him, “ The ship listed onto it’s side. We were sleeping. I don’t know how many made it out of their cabins. “