[@HereComesTheSnow] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - "Student Counselor", Armoury[/b] Parents? Oi mate, just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm a student at this place. And I'll have you know that no, none of my parents are here today. They're redding-up with some complicated bizzo back in Vacuo right now, and even if they weren't, us teachers are poor sods who don't get to enjoy Family Day like you, so I couldn't have called them over even if I'd wanted to. Having youthful looks might seem like a nice thing, but they stop being worth it after the fifteenth time somebody assumes that you're just some peedy lil' quine barely out of their diapers. We humans are really superficial beings; that first, surface-level impression is what we assume to be the correct one, and sometimes even if we're given the truth, we'll stubbornly cling to our mistaken, outdated views like a beached whale to air. I've gotten used to it, I guess, but it doesn't stop the mistaken age thing from being real annoying. At least because he's still a brat, he won't not take me seriously just because I look like a young lass. "[color=d8bfd8]No,[/color]" I reply, fixing my eyes on him. I might be glaring slightly, but hopefully I don't look too irritated at the guy. I can count on one hand the amount of times people [i]haven't[/i] thought I was just some brat, so it's not right if I keep shooting beady stares at the buggers who get it wrong. It'd just be scaffy of me, and it's not like they've pooched it that hard. It's just human nature at work again, forcing us to take things in only upfront. I'm not going to throw a stone at their door just 'cos of that. "[color=d8bfd8]We [i]teachers[/i] don't get to call them up, Luke.[/color]" And that means that while you brats can tyne time with your da and ma, we have to keep working. Or, in some cases, skiving. Even adults like procrastinating their work, you know. We're immature and human just like the kids we have to care for.