[@Crimmy] [b]Luke Schwarz[/b] Miss Teàrlag... I'm sorry, but your smiling needs a little work. You're still ticked off at me, aren't you? I'm really sorry, but you looked younger than I do! It wasn't as if she was a tiny as Cian or something, but still... If a lot of people got it wrong, that had to grate on her. Like a rock in a stream, constantly getting worn down by annoyances and misjudgments. No matter how gracious you were, constantly having to correct people about something about you gets old... Like my ahoge, huh? [b]"Must get annoying,"[/b] I remarked. [b]"In that case then, what class do you teach, Ma'am?"[/b] I'm really sorry. I'll start taking you a little more seriously now. However, if she was a teacher, that also meant my "goal" in talking to her fell through, as pathetic as it was to say. Being a tunnel vision, self-centered guy, I was unfortunately now at a bit of a loss with where to go from here. I hate to admit it, but for once I had a reason to be talking to someone beyond my own inability to shut up. And now that reason was rendered invalid. I mean. It certainly wasn't like I could ask her to take time away from her responsibilities as faculty to teach me about polearm usage...