[hider=Director's eyes only.] [hider=Transfer to team Rainbow] [center][h2]Spectre[/h2][/center] [center] [hider=Appearance] [center] [hider=Uniform] [img]http://blog.ubi.com/app/uploads/2013/11/Rec.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [center] [hider=Out of Uniform] [img]http://t04.deviantart.net/9Q_8ZQjELcIDtfl4HdP5B_YVVDM=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre02/1497/th/pre/f/2012/175/d/a/daa0d9656ff163169afe3d5ebf5a14e7-d527lw4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/center] [center]Name: Daniel Matthews[/center] [center]Age: 29[/center] [center]Operator Alias: [/center] [center]Spectre[/center] [center]Nationality: [/center] [center]United States[/center] [center]Unit of Origin: [/center] [center]Group for Specialized Tactics (GST)[/center] [center]Specialization: [/center] [center]Attacker > Defender[/center] [center]Arsenal[/center] [center]STAR-21 with suppressor - Primary[/center] [center]M40A5 Sniper Rifle, with suppressor and thermal scope - Primary[/center] [center]USP 40 with suppressor - Secondary[/center] [center]Magnetic Sensor - Primary Equipment[/center] [center]Aerial Thermal Drone - Primary Equipment[/center] [center]EMP Grenades - Secondary Equipment[/center] [center]Smoke Grenades - Secondary Equipment[/center] [center]Ability:[/center] [center]Equipped with the last cross com, these high tech comms offer HUD capabilities, advanced enemy tracking, and mapping meaning a lack of intel is no longer an issue. [/center] [center]Psychological Profile:[/center] [center]Daniel no longer associates with his own name as much as does the call sign Spectre, as a ghost he works well with a unit or solo. As most of our unit’s operate with little in the way of oversight Daniel is exactly the kind of person you want when you need it done. Brutal, self reliant, and paranoid everything the GST needs in an operator, this might not be a perfect fit for team Rainbow. However having an operator who can provide overwatch and specializes in stealth is an asset, not a liability.[/center] [center]Joining the military out of college Daniel started out an army a combat engineer, however his marksmanship and talent with drones brought him to our attention. At age twenty five Daniel joined the army rangers, two missions, and a confirmed kill at just over two thousand meters saw him invited into GST. While he feels this transfer to a more controlled environment is unfitting, he does believe in mission, perhaps moreso however he wants to help team Rainbow take revenge.[/center] [center]Background:[/center] [center]Born in Jacksonville South Carolina, Daniel grew up under an abusive father and absent father his mother a junkie. Living in a trailer park, hiding from his drunken father’s beatings and listening to his mother cry as took them instead. Daniel found an escape through school, using his ability to learn as an escape from his terror filled time at home. However, this ended in the second grade for Daniel, having stolen a neighbor's cell phone, packed a bag with food and forty dollars he made his move.[/center] [center]Escaping his family's trailer then hiding in the bed of a truck he made it to a nearby gas station, where he called the police away from his father. Munching on junk food, he was picked up an hour and half later returning the phone and giving the neighbor the money to apologize. His father and mother went to jail of possession charges, leaving Daniel a ward of the state. He spent a few years in an orphanage first, still excelling in learning, Daniel was twelve before he finally adopted officially by a family.[/center] [center]It is from here he takes his last name Matthews, Daniel new family supported and cared for him were quite excited when he was accepted to college. His adoptive father passed away while he was in school, and realizing he needed to relieve some financial stress putting two children through college was imposing Daniel signed on with the army who paid the rest of his way through school.[/center] [center]Becoming adept in using the latest tech offered to the army from drone marking to advanced map readout. He became obsessed with finding access to better tech, redoubling his efforts on and off the battlefield, he became a ranger and even more impressive sniper. If this seems to gloss over his time as a ghost it because it must, as you know director GST does not exist. Their for every mission or medal they could have earned does not either.[/center] [center]Daniel does however have access to much advanced tech now combining his cross comm with new sensor tech, advanced aerial drone, and marksman. Spectre is his owner,spotter and team management feeding intel on the fly, trained to improvise and adapt as well he will be able to mold into your new team, try not lose him or the gear.[/center] [center]However you are allowed to know the countries he visited, and things that happened while he was traveling in those countries. Twenty six weapon shipments hijacked or destroyed while in Mexico over a six week eight months ago. Four American doctor’s rescued in Somalia while he was in lay over in the country one and half years ago. Russian consular protected from terrorist attack while meeting with US adviser on Russian soil four weeks ago. Of course we are not implying he had anything to do with these events, merely he was in the country.[/center] [/hider] [/hider]