Meesei started to bare her teeth slightly. "I am...shocked you would say such things about me. The others I might understand; they do not possess the magical knowledge to know the kind of power I could obtain. But you? You are one of the most promising mages I have ever seen, and you are educated with all of the history of past scholars that I gave you. You know what kind of power is out there, and you know what it could do for us. You are my daughter, the person I have cared about more than anyone else in my life. One of the primary reasons I am willing to sacrifice so much time in Apocrypha is to ensure you have a good future." Meesei's anger was obvious, but it seemed to be mixed with disappointment as well. "How could you turn against me like this?" --- "There were other ideas passed around before I said that. I think you just want to imagine me as some evil necromancer sacrificing children to Molag Bal or something. You are completely ignoring the fact that I specifically suggested pinning it on someone who [i]deserved[/i] it, and that, honestly, we're pretty desperate right now. Our Champion, our friend, our family member, is in mortal danger that we've been trying to pull her away from for over a year. It's not like I tried to start killing people before we even talked to her." Ahnasha protested. After a few moments, she gave a sigh that showed from frustration beyond simple anger. "I'm not going to lie, it is getting frustrating with how you always have something to say about every single thing I do. I feel like you're trying to demonize me."