[img=https://24.media.tumblr.com/d9c26a8fe964340fd3230b893a8a7405/tumblr_mxf3flqelx1rmzr7ho1_75sq.gif] [quote=Magic Magnum] I already gave one, quick way to notifying everyone.Which may be exactly what you need if you're expecting to start pushing the baby out at any moment.Depends on the individual and how you were raised.I assume you were raised with the "Doing things over the phone is rude for big deals" sort of mindset?Many people see technology like facebook as simply tools to accelerate the process of informing people.It's not rude at all to inform someone of news somewhere they probably check a lot, and where notifying everyone can take 2 minutes rather than say 2 hours.What one person thinks is rude is not rude in everyone's mind, cultural differences after all.You're hypothetical was having your water break. Not being with someone whose water broke. So the hypothetical I treated as assuming I myself was pregnant, hence hypothetical and why I felt the need to point that out being male.Cause it also notifies those you do care for maybe?You can set lists if you want for status to only show for those 'important people'.Plus some people restrict their friends list only for those they care for. Not everyone's adds every person they've seen the face of before.Also, just because someone may not be too close is no reason to avoid giving them said info.You have a kid, sure you won't go out of your way to tell them, but why complain about them knowing if they do happen to find out?Nice, poking fun at names. :PThat really shows maturity and helps your argument. [/quote] [img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/92943278a21e07c2ff38e07d72ac78a8/tumblr_mxf3hae5QL1rmzr7ho1_75sq.gif]