[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man2_zpsbzrk09ho.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Kelly Brown[/b] | [b]Samantha Kadowsky[/b] | [b]Zac Wilson[/b][/center] Zac collapsed face first onto the couch in their apartment since he was relieved that they were now home. Not only did they had a five-hour drive from Crown Ridge to Albany, but the escapades of the previous night would have worn out almost anyone. There was the robbery at the art museum. Then the three of them ran into Lyger and had to escape with him from both a local criminal organization and the city’s police force. While they did reach the safety of Lyger’s home, there was always that annoying fear that the criminals might have discovered their identities and therefore would have been able to attack them when they were least expecting it. Luckily, that never happened. “What’s this?” Zac heard Sammy say. He sat up from his reclining position and glanced over the back of the couch to see what Sammy was referring to. In her hand, Sammy was holding a black ring that had what looked like a tiny diamond attached. “I hope you were not intending to propose with this thing, because that rock has ‘cheapskate’ written all over it.” Zac stared at the ring with a befuddled expression for a few moments. He knew that ring was not his. However, he also did not want his response to come off sounding as if he was not interested in marrying Kelly someday. [color=peru]“I cannot comment on the whole proposing thing, but I definitely did not buy that specific ring.”[/color] Zac finally made his response. [color=khaki]“Then whose is it?”[/color] Kelly took a closer look at the ring that her best friend was holding. Sammy then noticed a small note on the countertop that she had first overlooked. Her eye naturally gravitated directly towards the jewelry instead the small sheet of paper. On that note, Sammy saw her name written on it and signed only with ‘from a friend’. She immediately guessed that this gift was from Lyger, who had promised that he would try to find some sort of device that would hide Sammy’s cat ears and tail. She first wondered why he would leave it her instead of her own apartment. However, she quickly concluded that Lyger probably did not know where she lived and therefore only could leave it at Zac and Kelly’s apartment. [color=peru]“Don’t put that on.”[/color] Zac said as he jumped over the back of his apartment’s couch when he saw Sammy begin to slip the ring onto her finger, [color=peru]“We don’t know where that came from!”[/color] However, Zac was just too late to make an objection. Sammy already placed the ring around her forth finger. Suddenly, all three of them heard something clank against the floor, as if it had been dropped. They discovered that it was the small device that Sammy (and Kelly) used to allow their animal-like tails to fit their clothes without cutting holes into their entire wardrobe. Sammy instinctively reached back to check what had happened to her tail. However, she was shocked to find that it was no longer there. Her hands then reached up to the top of her head, where she also learned that her cat ears were gone, too! Sliding her hands down the side of her head, she felt her old human ears for the first time in months. “Kyle did it!” Sammy shouted in joy, “He got me something that can hide my powers!” [color=peru]“I really need to get a security system installed in this apartment. Everyone and their brother has broken into this place now.”[/color] Zac whispered to Kelly as they watched their friend prance around the living room, as if she had just won the lottery. “And it’s a ring, too!” Sammy blurred out as she held out her hand with the palm of her hand facing the floor. “Isn't that romantic?” [color=peru]“I knew he would screw this up somehow.”[/color] “What?” Sammy snapped at Zac when she heard his comment, wondering what he meant by that. [color=khaki]“He didn’t mean anything back that, didn’t you.”[/color] Kelly tried to save face with her best friend, although from the expression on Sammy’s face, she was not buying it. “You two told him to tell me that we couldn’t be together, didn’t you!” Sammy yelled at her two friends. “You didn’t believe I could handle the situation, didn’t you! Well, I hate you both!” Sammy then stomped out of the apartment and slammed the front door shut with a crash. Zac and Kelly just traded glances as they wondered how the situation could have gone even just a little better. However, they were surprised when they saw that the door creeped open again and Sammy’s head popped through the opening of the door. "Alright, I don’t hate you two.” Sammy apologized. “I kind of need a ride home.”