"No. Do not even dare." Sabine shook her head. "Do not push me away, Meesei. I need you to calm down and listen to me." Sabine was evidently fearful by her racing heart and quivering arm, but her face turned to Meesei with a resolute scowl that was only seen at her limits. She had never stood up to Meesei like this before. "I do not want you to do this for my future. I do not want you to sacrifice this much for me. And you can not fool me into thinking that the next time you go in will be the time you find a way to end the war. You can no longer fool me for the next time, the time after that, or any other time anymore. I am here because I am watching my mother fade away for a false hope that she likes and it is causing me pain. I am not turning against you. You know I could any time I like, but I have not. I will not. The clans will turn against you before I do. They are closer to doing that. Much closer. And you already know why. So listen. Do not just push away." [hr] Fendros leaned his head back and scrunched his eyes in futility. Ahnasha was still missing the point. Still, her later words did make his expression soften. He faced her with more sympathy. "Ahna, you know I love you. You are a talented, intelligent woman who has done more amazing things than anyone in the world. I am not trying to make you out to be some monster, and I'm sorry if I am coming across like that." He shifted to lift one knee and sit on his side, facing Ahnasha more directly. He tried to speak candidly, as if the issue was not as serious as he had previously let on. "Look, if you make me one easy promise, I will never bother you about this ever again. Promise me that, outside of a fight, or life-or-death, and so on, you will not kill anyone unless you would do the same if it were me you were killing." Fendros lifted a small attempt at a reassuring smile.