[color=00aeef][b] [:: P2A-594 | Alpha Second Unit ::] [:: Captain B. Eccleson Military Detachment Commander ::] [/b][/color] The Captain sat at the edge of one of the supply crates, listening in to the random comm chatter -at least what could be deciphered through the static- trying to take her mind off of the fact that her hand was still trembling. This was all so new to her, strange things happening on a planet she knew very little about, attacked by alien insects with the ability to melt humans on contact. This was not covered in basic training, nor in any textbooks she’d been forced to read through in her earlier years at the academy. But at the same time, why shouldn’t this have been any different than a “worst case scenario”? Foreigners landing a planet that hasn’t seen life in a very long time, picking and probing at things that didn’t belong to them, and then not expecting resistance? Eccleson switched the comms off. She’d had enough of listening in on absolutely nothing. What she wanted was off the goddamned planet for good. “Captain” One of the soldiers hustled across the clearing and to her side. “Reports show we lost six of our own, and another ten wounded, however the dead will be damned near impossible to retrieve as the insect population had grown almost doubled since our retreat.” “Then we leave them, end of story.” She said after several seconds. “There’s no point in risking any more lives.” “But Captain if we-” “That’s an order soldier!” She stood to her feet, staring the young man in the face as though she were reprimanding her own child. “This isn’t our war. The orders issued by Chief TreVayne and myself were clear, and we need to stick to the plan if we’re to get the hell off this planet...” “Very good sir.” He followed up with a salute to his commanding officer, swallowing his own opinions on the matter and moving on. “Also sir, one of our scouts is MIA, no communication as of yet.” “They know to report back here, so we’ll hold off as long as we can…” [color=00aeef][b] [:: P2A-594 | Delta First Unit ::] [:: M. Newton | M. Smith | Agent S. Edwards | Agent T. Gurrera ::] [/b][/color] Gurrera swore under his breath at the shit luck they'd encountered en route to the Beast, suddenly being ambushed by more of the insects swarms as they cut off the path and separated him from the others. He was equally upset with the fact that one of “science geeks” -Michael- had somehow broken apart from their group as well and gone missing. Part of him hoped the idiot was taken down by the bugs for being so careless, but the other -slightly more humane- part knew he'd probably be the one going to find the guy and, of course, save the day. With Edwards and Kenzie somewhere on the other side of the electrofied insect barrier, he attempted to hail his partner on the comms knowing that their path was still open to head back to the Beast. "Edwards, this is Gurrera, do you copy?" Static could be heard over the headset, but the signal should still make it through considering their position from one another. "You guys continue on to the Beast, I need to find Michael Smith. The dude got lost a ways back no doubt." The Agent had to hope his transmission went through as he started backtracking his steps to find the missing science assistant. ---------------------------------- “Any units in sector…” Gurrera checked his helmet HUD for the coordinates. “Thirty-Two point Niner Alpha, please respond. We have a missing research assistant, [b]Michael Smith[/b], possibly wounded. Need immediate assistance and medic, copy.” “Negative, Agent.” One of the military personnel spoke up. “Immediate attention in that area isn't possible at this time as that sector has a large convergence of insects making it impossible for our group to make it through without more casualties.” “Shit!” He shouted, realizing the channel was still active. “So what’s our recourse? Do we leave the dude behind? How do we know he’ll even make it by the time-” “Agent Gurrera.” The stern voice interrupted. “We're aware of the situation and it'll be handled, but dispatching another team at this time to find a single member is risking more lives that we can’t afford. Your best bet is to regroup at the Beast Command Vehicle, and await further instructions.” “Understood.” He responded after a few moments of silence. “Gurrera out.” He continued looking back along the path they'd originally taken through the thick brush, noticing off the path several dozen insects converging around [i]something[/i] behind a few tall trees. "That sure as shit better be him, and he better not be dead." [color=00aeef][b] [:: P2A-594 | Alpha First Unit ::] [:: Chief G. TreVayne | Agent F. Phillips | A. Locke ::] [/b][/color] “And I bet you thought this was going to be just another milk run, eh Chief?” Phillips spoke on a secure comm line to Gavon in passing as they trudged along the last leg of the return journey to the Beast, the Agent taking up the rear to ensure no other [i]anomalies[/i] were inbound. He’d already been trying to shake off the fact that they’d just about seen the last of their days, outdone by a shit load of insects that were probably wondering why in the hell a group of foreigners were invading their territory. Or maybe they weren’t so surprised, considering whatever was on this planet must have been worth enough trouble to safeguard it with such highly efficient technology. Either way, Phillips continued to scan the area now that their equipment was fully functional now that they’d pulled away from the majority of the electromagnetic fields. “I didn't really know what to expect on this trip considering, like many of us, I’d never been to another planet, let alone another galaxy.” Gavon continued monitoring their progress toward the command vehicle, noting that they had roughly a quarter mile to their destination. “But none of this should have happened.” He said with a grim expression. “Too many lives were put at risk” Phillips chimed in as he continued his area scans. “And for what?...” He glanced over at the science team in front, who were still pretty shaken up by the events. “Doesn't matter Agent. We didn't sign up for this line of work without expecting [i]some[/i] resistance. You of all people should know that.” Phillips snickered. “Yeah, but Mars didn't have to contend with killer bugs and ghost dogs.” “Just everything else.” The Chief remarked, drawing his attention to the path ahead, which lead directly to their vehicle, and switching to localized group-wide communication. “Alright folks, we're coming up to the Beast shortly. Stay in single file formation from here on as the brush becomes pretty dense in this sector. And please watch your footing for sinkholes and overgrown roots. We don't need any more injuries…” ------------------------------------------------ The Command Vehicle was seeing plenty of activity as military and civilian personnel loaded through the rear ramp, many who had minor cuts were spot treated and others with more severe burns from the acidic liquid the insects secreted were rushed into the medbay. A fairly tight perimeter had been formed around the Beast, with both drones and foot soldiers keeping an eye out for any further enemy engagement. Gavon let out a sigh of relief to see many of his Agents back safely, and yet relative to the number of personnel who embarked on the journey to the planet, the returning count was still low. “Amara” He turned to the young Locke who was following closely behind. “I suspect you’ll be needed in the medbay. Try to rally all the medical personnel you can for further inbound wounded. Phillips will accompany you and the science team.” The Chief spotted Eccleson near the supply crates helping a few of the soldiers rummage through food and water to hand out as personnel made their way back. Science teams gathered together, a few tending to minor wounds, as others were sharing information of discoveries made, though most were still feeling disheartened by the earlier attacks. The same questions could be overheard as he headed through the cluster. [i]Was this trip even worth it?[/i] “Captain.” Gavon’s expression was, more or less neutral considering on the one hand he was glad to see she’d made it back, but on the other knew this was no celebratory reunion and keeping her mind on task was the only way to get through any of this. “Comms were down in our sector so my updates have been sparse. What’s the latest on the remaining groups?” Eccleson briefly gazed up at the Chief while continuing to sort through the supplies as well as her datapad which was propped on the edge of the crate. “Chief”. She cracked a half smile as though to say she wasn’t quite sure what to say yet. “As far as I know, there are numerous dead and no way of making it back to them without inciting more attacks. I was recently made aware that at least one of our scouts is still missing, and a science assistant who was accompanying [i]Delta Unit[/i] to the southwest.” “That’s Gurrera & Edwards unit.” The Captain nodded. “We advised them to head back here since one of your Agents was badly wounded…” She stayed silent for a moment before continuing. “I’m not even sure we can go back in there to extract the missing, Chief.” Gavon understood the circumstances, and knew the decisions being made were not going to be easy for either of them. But he also knew those few who had gone missing and could still be alive needed time, which was already in short supply. He pulled up the tracking HUD on his visor and began a scan with very little success due to the blanket of EM interference in the dense forest. “This is ridiculous.” He switched off the Nav. “All this tech at our disposal and it’s useless. But either way, I’m fairly certain that Delta Unit is one of the closer groups to our location, so there may be a chance depending on how quickly we can make it to them.” Eccleson raised a quizzical eyebrow. “What are you planning?” “Is there another R-52 Shriek available?...”