[center] [i] [color=chartreuse] #AI 03 02 "I second the motion to nicely take its wallet. It might not allow you to identify it visually but surely any documents would allow you to discern its species at the very least. That is vital to applying first aid. Oh, also ask it if it needs first aid. Nicely."[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/spLtQLv.png[/img] You shuffle through the precarious persona various orifice and openings, coming across a plethora of widgets and a keyring with a small sign that says "Females dig it because these are my digits" which despite your programming strong insistence that you don't potentially rob from a possible human caves in from whatever malfunctioning part of your code that makes you feel a fake sense of avarice. You finally find a wallet, in it is a 1000 credit on its card. A picture of an salivating slime ball with a love heart plastered on it and a card of some sort depicting a Tenticaltoid. You question as to why this enigma would have such a card, perhaps your code is failing and merely thinks it is human. Maybe it's a thief, maybe he is actually a trans-species post operation. Maybe this isn't his wallet at all and someone placed it there. So many questions. So little answers. YOU GAINED: 1000 credits. An identity card. A loving pictogram of a sweet, drooling slime ball. A nifty keychain. You're not suppose to take items from potential living beings but a quick debate from the ambiguity center of your brain on moral issues has a long argument that is more a shouting match in numbers than it is a philosophical debate from things imitating a conscience. Finally a big fat: 45% of potential core moral conduct break is shown. Yes! Greed provided by the slim arbitrary prediction that it might not be technically the immorality that we suspect from a highly possibly bias algorithm! -- -- -- [img]http://i.imgur.com/WEWGzeh.png[/img] You peruse the body for any sign of damage that you can find but besides from the vague notion of blood on its back you have no way of telling what this creature is. You consider applying first aid but your GIANT CLAMP like hands do nothing but press harshly against his tender flesh. It doesn't react. You sooth him with a whispering explanation of his possible fate with max volume in his ear, just in case he is hard of hearing. [color=chartreuse]"HELLO POSSIBLE HUMANOID. YOU ARE IN POSSIBLE STATE OF DEATH. IF YOU ARE DYING, PLEASE INFORM ME" [/color] He doesn't react. You don't know what is worse, that fact that you have woken up in the trash with no recollection to any possible memories of personality that you may of had or the fact that you are clumsily molesting this man with a screeching vocal system and cold steel limbs while he could be dying gives you a strong suspicion as to why you may of woken up in the trash without owner or knowledge. [color=chartreuse] AWAITING INPUT: _ _______ [/color] [/i] [/center] [hider=Tags] [@Sentel][@Graviloquence][@Rockatiel][@Mae][/hider]