Duncan enjoyed wrapping his arms around Aliyah. He did his best to behave sociably as they bid the last guests farewell. They had slept in and Duncan still felt like he was staying up past his bedtime. Of course, he had a ‘bad’ feeling that the night wasn’t over just yet. He kissed the back of Aliyah’s neck and told her he had to take care of the bill. He had placed a deposit that probably more than covered everything. But he wanted to thank their hosts anyways. He got a little help loading up his instruments - which he hardly used. As it turned out there were more than enough people who wanted to get up and ‘make fools’ of themselves. One of the best reasons to rent a place was that they didn’t have to clean up after themselves. Duncan hated making a mess when he ate. You could always tell when he was done with a meal when he started putting the salt and pepper shakers back where they belonged and he started neatly folding napkins, placing paper trash in a tidy pile. Aliyah could tell that even now he was fighting the urge to start picking up after the group. But he was consoling himself with the fact that he had tipped VERY nicely. Then he was finally back to wrapping his arms around Aliyah. It had hit him that he was doing a great deal more than just offering to take her around the world. That was practically a pick up line. Truth was, SHE was taking HIM around the world. He would probably have forced himself to make trips to all the continents - just to do so. But he wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much. Traveling the US wasn’t going to be as much fun as traveling the world - for him. He had already seen much of the USA. Historical sites like battlefields barely interested him - especially the Civil War. But scientific achievement sites he cared about. And geologic sites, astronomical, and archaeological sites he did. Sites devoted to people like writers were mildly interesting. Interactive sites he knew he’d enjoy. ++++++++++ It had been a few days since the karaoke night. Duncan had asked the employment agency to send first class travel arrangements to both of his butlers. And had their payroll start immediately. Yes, he was paying them for the travel time. It was a little unusual. He went through another round of interviews for accountants, property managers, and such. He learned that his RV had arrived in New York City and finally cleared customs with all the modifications complete and tested. It had had to clear safety inspections for use in the USA and Canada. Plus he had had it rigged to tow the limo. Duncan presented Aliyah with what looked like a very expensive touchscreen hybrid gaming laptop. It was way more than she’d ever need. But he had no end of fun showing her some of the options she’d enjoy most. He also suggested they take some classes. He had actually liked the Facebook idea and starting a multimedia blog - even though he hated social media and lacked a facebook account of his own. Well, he had an account, but never used it except as a way to log into other accounts. (Posting what I have. Getting lots of interruptions from work …)