[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] When Cait left, Charlotte sighed. Well, the chances the native wouldn't be coming back was somewhere around the 60-70% range, wasn't it? Unlikely, then. Considering her behavior towards her, not exactly a stretch at all. Well, there was only one thing to really do then. Finish up and then get moving. She had a nice little base she'd need to A: start her own greenhouse so she could grow plants in a more controlled environment, and B: Start exploring the land a little bit. She had a goal here after all, and she couldn't stay longer than needed. She needed to travel east, far across the land to reach her objective. So she set to work skinning the rabbit and tanning it. With a bit of help from some already made solutions, she hide was mostly tanned, it just needed to sit in the cool back parts of the cave for a few hours and then it'd be pretty much ready to go. It wasn't much considering it was just a rabbit, but she could get more. More importantly, was the cooking part. It was easy enough to get a fire going just outside of the cave. No sense in smoking up the inside of it. By the time Cait returned, everything would mostly be complete, and Charlotte had already eaten. Now, she may have said to Cait protean was a good thing for humans to have, but honestly - she just really, really, loved a good, tasty steak. This was rabbit and not steak, but...meat. If she could dry some of the extra meat and turn it into jerky and preserve it, it'd make a lot of food supplies go a long way...but later. When Cait returned, she'd come back to a crackling fire, the rabbit nowhere to be seen and Charlotte hanging up the pelt in the back of the cave on some rope.