So I tried to gather information on where they live & occupations (quoted directly) based on character sheets submitted so far, if anyone wants to use this. I can edit it. It'll probably be lost in the thread soon though :lol Hope I didn't skip anyone >_> [u][sub][h3][b]Ann Arbor[/b][/h3][/sub][/u] Sophie Blackthorn [quote][color=lightcoral]"works part time at the Baker's Wife making and selling pastries to pay for college"[/color][/quote] Emily Waring [quote][color=lightcoral]"skips around jobs and is often fired quickly for either misconduct or missing shifts. Between her dodgy 'income' she often takes money or a precious items from the houses of her many one night stands"[/color][/quote] Alan Lisowski [quote][color=lightcoral]"Substitute Teacher"[/color][/quote] Hayes Tomlin [quote][color=lightcoral]"Bartender"[/color][/quote] Laketta Lewis [quote][color=lightcoral]"Librarian by day, Neo-Soul Singer by night. She sings in lounges, bars, etc. in hopes that one day her dream of becoming a famous artist will come true"[/color][/quote] Danny Walker [quote][color=lightcoral]"Middleweight Boxer"[/color][/quote] Mark Song [quote][color=lightcoral]"has become an incredibly transient employee, jumping from one job to the next after he feels he has gotten bored of where he is at. Right now he is holding two jobs, the first as a barista at a local coffee shop by day and the second as a bartender by night"[/color][/quote] Kevin McBrien [quote][color=lightcoral]"currently works at a gun store in Ann Arbor whilst also attending college part-time. He receives ancillary revenue from various other things, such as being an Army Guardsman, making youtube videos, and freelance web designing"[/color][/quote] [u][sub][h3][b]Holland[/b][/h3][/sub][/u] Zephillla Sebastian [quote][color=lightcoral]"part-time worker at a lab of ornithology. Temporary positions such as the visitor center assistant and one of the researcher/writers for the organization's magazine often springs up. However, don't expect that to be year round. Half of the time Zephillla is trying her hand at brand-new art styles as well as experimenting / refreshening older ones. She sells prints online and hard copies among or linked to any of her connections. During summer she auditions for a theater play or two, depending if she gets cast. Otherwise, Zephillla's studying"[/color][/quote] Ian Tate [quote][color=lightcoral]"ER nurse"[/color][/quote] Renata De Leon [quote][color=lightcoral]"Occasional Model, Beauty YouTuber, Part-Time graduate school student in the Nutrition M.D. program"[/color] [color=coral]-note: "lives in Holland and does most things there but attends college in Ann Arbor, where her family lives"[/color][/quote] Dylan Crane [quote][color=lightcoral]"College student currently taking a year off | Meanwhile works at a music disc store called Lou's Vinyl"[/color][/quote] Cardin Winchester [quote][color=lightcoral]"Black and White Photographer"[/color][/quote] [hr] [@Sisyphus][@mskennedy615][@XxLyraxX][@Xilaw][@Dirty Pretty Lies][@EmzyOfNeverland][@Ruthenselle][@SouffleGirl123][@Sarcelle Renard]