If he was going to end up getting injured in this mission then he was going to be rather angry and unforgiving for the rest of the week. Kensen knew he couldn’t take these beasts lightly, he knew there was always going to be injuries when out on these types of missions and he knew how strong these things could be; however, when he was only leading this for reasons that didn’t ultimately concern him as a whole he was naturally going to be pretty displeased if anything happened to him. Already he was being chased by this thing because he was the most capable of harming it, the beast would’ve noticed his ability to bend the wind due to the nature of it and would’ve seen him as the biggest threat. If these two really were proper Magi they would be able to combat this thing easily, but their inability to come to the decision that magic might be the way to go first completely bewildered him. If an enemy was made out of some sort of smoky substance and used a blast of wind as its initial attack then of course it wasn’t going to be able to be hit by normal weapons. Now because of them he was having to fly around to get rid of this thing, hoping they might attack the creature without trying to use their weapons again. Not wanting to make himself even more of a target by using magic he focused his energy on flight, watching the others for when they might attack. Luckily the Princess proved to be somewhat useful for once and decided to help, despite sounding apprehensive at the same time. That was hardly very kind, thinking his life was barely worth her time. Spinning away once Nymira had managed to hit it with something he made a dash away from the beast, turning in the air just as fast as Ethan also decided to join in. Maybe they will be able to do something useful, but their abilities were pretty weak. Just looking at their basic abilities made him wonder if they ever practiced or at least tried to strengthen their magic. Feeling pretty disappointed he quickly flew down to the ground, landing lightly and looking back to the beast, his eyes moving to Gage who decided to make a smart alec comment. “You’re hardly useful yourself, firing at it like that…” he spoke, spinning his kunai around on his finger momentarily, “I’ll help out if I think they need it, and right now they’re doing okay against this stupid thing so stop judging and actually think of a way you could be useful yourself without wasting ammunition…”