[hider=Randy a.k.a DEADGENE, THIS MOFO DOESN'T LIKE CHIMICHANGAS] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/df/13/00/df13008399155f5c7fbb249bbaaedd42.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] - Randolph -Randy- August [b]Alias[/b] - Known in the press and public as [b]Deadgene [/b], in the mercenary circle he is known simply as the [i]red clown[/i]. [b]Age[/b] - 28 [b]Powers[/b] - Randy was trained by expert mercenaries and assassins as early as the age of 11, and hence he has amassed advanced knowledge in the human anatomy, how to break it and make his victims suffer fatal injuries with the slightest of blows. Randy also mastered the use of various military-grade weaponry and machines, and can craft hand-made weapons and bombs from everyday objects. His signature weapons include his combat and boot dagger, a pair of custom made chromed Colt 1911 with ivory grips, and his stainless-steel and carbon alloy bo staff. Randy also has enhanced endurance and stamina more than the average human. [b]Weaknesses[/b] - Randy in most cases is a grade above the average human, but a grade below superhumans and mutants when it comes to superpowers. Frankly put, Randy lacks any obvious superpower, his abilities are learned skills honed by years of experience and training. He can be quite cooperative at first, but when he finds the chance to make an extra buck or gain the upper hand he might act selfishly. [b]Personality[/b] - Dead-serious, materialistic, highly motivated and passionate about his profession. [b]Experience[/b] - 10 years in the mercenary and assassination business (retiring), 3 days in the Super Hero business. [b]Appearance[/b] - Costume [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/69852/1374183-deadpoolmovievariant.png[/img] [b]BRIEF Bio [/b]- Randy was born into the mercenary life, raised by master mercenaries and assassins from a young age. Nothing is known about his parents or where he came from, as his adoptive guardians focused more on teaching him the trade than talking about his past. Randy started his rigorous training at the age of 11 up until he turned 18, that's when he took his first job, and killed another human being for the first time in his life. Most of Randy's assassination contracts and mercenary works were done for foreign governments, jobs where he had to kill and kidnap major figures in organisations such as A.I.M and HYDRA. Randy also had a dark couple of years when he was on the run from the United States government and holed up in Canada, there he met a retiring Wade Wilson in a local Strip Club. Wade and Randy talked about the mercenary job, and wade shared with Randy his Deadpool secret. They were both drunk but Randy never forgot Wade's words which he itched them into his memory: "[i]Grab what you can, kill who you can kill and have a blast while doing it. I suggest Chimichangas and Bubble-Squid Princess comics, you know, those Japanese cartoons with tentacles-- Anyway, whatever you do, do remember that this business, this lifestyle doesn't last. So you better find yourself another alternative while you are young-- Will you look at those pair on Candy? Damn she got fine.[/i]" Since that day Randy was greatly influenced by Wade Wilson and his Deadpool persona, so much that he took cues from Deadpool's costume and made it his own. Skip three years and Randy is back in the states, with a bodycount throughout his 10 years career that could twist the insides of an everyday man. Randy settled in Portland, Oregon for what seemed to be another job, unknowingly to him it was the job that would change his life. [b]Key Differences[/b] - Randy opted to use a non-lethal weapon when in melee combat, as opposed to Deadpool's deadly dual ninja swords. Randy doesn't have a teleportation device, and he can't break the fourth wall either. Sample Story Arcs - [two or three ideas on where you plan on taking your character within the RP] Supporting Characters - [what enemies would play roles in your arcs?] [b]Notes [/b]- Randy has no personality disorder, or colourful humour, however he does have a sarcastic sense of humour and a love for video games. [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] [i]Re-Origin:[/i] Randy rediscovers what it means to be a Hero, at a great expense that is. This arc marks the birth of his Deadgene persona and his quest to redeem his past lifestyle. [i]The Avengers Initiative:[/i] Randy's first interaction with a major super hero team, something that greatly changes him even further than his rebirth. The team he meets could be the X-Men, the X-Factor, or any other team, the 'Avengers' in the arc name is merely allusion to the greatest symbol of justice. [i]Hired by Blade:[/i] Randy could encounter a new Blade and begin his journey into the Marvel Universe's supernatural realm, this Arc will have him go back to Oregon for a lengthy monster-hunting and vampire-slaying. [b]Supporting Characters[/b] [color=39b54a]Good[/color] - Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Blade (reborn), Daredevil (reborn), Ghost Rider (reborn). X-Men, Avengers. [color=662d91]Bad[/color] - Taskmaster (Original or Reborn, depends if I can create another character down the road). [color=a0410d]Ugly[/color] - His Uncle, he hates his Uncle, but he is still his only living family member. [/hider]