[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/81YYMlk.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Bunny saw Florian enter and noticed once more the shoulders and chest of his clothing dusted lightly by his old musty tomes. {“What is it about Dark Wizards and their love of such dusty old things?”} she thought as she pondered the up and coming mission. She had already chosen the Winchester House as it was one of the nine strange places known to the Muggles that she wanted to eventually visit and here was her chance. She had read several websites and one book about the San Jose Mystery House. She knew it had a reported 161 rooms, had 40 bedrooms, 2 ballrooms (one completed and one unfinished) as well as 47 fireplaces, over 10,000 panes of glass, 17 chimney with the possibility that if a Wizard or a Witch had been involved so many more as to be mind boggling. She couldn’t wait to see the obsession with the number 13 that was reflected in the windows and wall panels. It was as if the mad muggle woman who’d had it built understood sympathetic magic, pattern laying and possibly the Spiritual world beyond the veil.