[quote=@Natsu] Another question, this one pertinent to my sheet. Would there be a profession that's the magical equivalent to an engineer? People who make new spells, or create magical artifacts, or just find new applications of magic in general? [/quote] Yes! There are multiple professions like this! There are mages who study Theoretical magic, looking to study the boundaries and nature of magic and perhaps create new spells. You can consider this field to be akin to theoretical mathematics or quantum physics. People who devise enchantments for magical items are Enchanters, and their job it to create tools of magical use that can be used by anyone. They generally major in Enchantment in college, and work as artisans, on assembly lines, or as inventors. Finally, people who search for new applications of magic in general are rather like business men or statisticians, who look for various aspects of life that can be improved by magic and try to develop systems to work in that regard. These are all excellent questions, thank you for asking them! [quote=@pkken] [@Invader Len]Yeah I'll just got with the idea you prooposes, I won't be free again to make a story like that for a little while. [/quote] That’s fine, edit your CS, and we’ll review your quiz in a moment. [@Lord of Evil], this has been a common issue with many players, but I must state again that all people in the world are mages or familiars. Everyone knows that magic exists. 50% of the population has some form of it. It’s in every aspect of life. It’s not incredibly special. Also, this seems to be a recurring misunderstanding, but mages and stage magicians are not the same. A Mage is simply anyone with the capability of using magic, while a stage magician is someone who’s dedicated their work to entertainment through illusion. Also, there are no wizards in this world. You are simply a mage. Lastly, you may be confused as to the very nature of magic. Magic in this world is tied to an element, which a person expresses. Magic cannot create something from nothing, and mages cannot learn new elements of magic. They are forever tied to the element they were born with. In addition, being a great and powerful mage and getting lots of money do not always happen together. Some people become very wealthy despite having little magical power, while other have magic, but don’t use it at all in their life as adults. Some of the most talented mages are but simple farmers trying to make ends meet. So the two don’t follow each other. This is just because I’ve seen a lot of stage magic and circus’s being used in this RP, but stage magic would actually be more impressive than regular magic in this world. Regular magic is as normal as air here. It’s useful and sometimes dangerous, but it does not make you special. This is a world where magic and powers are the norm. For fixing this, I would redo the circus/stage magician backstory to fit with the world, be more specific on why he wants to be a great mage, and remove the wizard part entirely. :)