Here's my mage, Monty! I'm also just about finished with Beatrice's drawing, so that will be up soon. [hider=Monty] Name: Montgomery “Monty” Goldberg (Doesn't like being called Montgomery) Image or Description: Monty is 5’9”, and he claims he’s still growing. He has short blonde hair which is usually combed off to the side, blue eyes and fair skin. He has a fair amount of muscles from athletics, although he couldn’t be considered ‘buff’ yet. He has a scar stretching from just below his nose to his top lip. He prefers to have a clean shaven face. (Will draw picture soon) Age: 16 Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Mage or Familiar: Mage Magic Type: Light. Monty can manipulate light to make non physical structures and to blind people temporarily. The structures he makes can look almost exactly like real objects with enough skill and time. He can manipulate the wave lengths of light to change its color. He can reflect light away from himself to make himself invisible, however this also causes him to be blind due to the light not reaching his eyes. Like almost all other magic, the light already has to exist, he cannot create light. Known Spells: Summon Partner: Personality: Monty is a very caring and kind individual. He is very extroverted, and a people person at heart. He has a very strong need to nurture others and make them happy. He is a very protective person, and will put himself in danger for those he feels a responsibility for, including strangers. He is very serious about his responsibilities, and he is very dependable for advice or just emotional comfort. He is the very essence of a dad friend, complete with bad puns and refusing to look at maps. He gets most of his personal satisfaction from making others happy, and would give the shirt off his back if it meant someone else benefited. He has a very strong sense of justice, and dislikes discrimination of any kind. Monty likes having a plan in place and sticking to strategy, but he is not inflexible. He is a peacemaker, and dislikes arguments or confrontation, although he is not afraid of it. He is warm and sympathetic, and tries his best to cheer people up. He has a habit of seeing the good in most people, but he disagrees with criminal actions very much. He is also very shy and flustered around mature topics or when being flirted with. Monty is not without flaws though. His trust in authority can lead him to be blind to it’s flaws, and his need to help others can lead to manipulation. He’s also a bit of a ‘prude’ at times. Biography: Monty was born in Maefeld, to Herbet and Batyah Goldberg. His parents raised him and his twin sister, Felicity, in a penthouse in a fairly nice neighborhood. Monty spent most of his childhood sticking to his sister, constantly trying to reassure her of her beauty. He feels incredibly guilty for his sister’s downwards spiral, blaming himself for not doing more to comfort her. He was excited when his sister was able to feel confident with makeup, but he realized that her dependence on it was still ultimately damaging to her self image. He feels helpless in that aspect, as he can’t say anything that will make his sister see herself as others see her. This causes him to be very protective of not only his sister, but others with low self esteem. He got the scar on his lip when he was 8. He decided that in order to show solidarity to his sister, he should give himself a scar there too. He tried using a rock, and ended up knocking his front teeth out. He got the scar though, so even though he was crying and in pain, he still managed to excitedly show his sister. She was not impressed. Monty was raised by his parents to be a ‘gentleman’, for lack of a better word. He and his sister were taught about the importance of kindness and politeness, and he takes those teachings to heart. Monty became very interested in the justice system, and decided from an early age he wanted to be a part of it. He dreams of being able to protect people from others and themselves. Monty knew that St. Fortuna’s Academy is the best high school in all of Prydain, and he decided that if he wanted to make a difference in the world he would have to get into St. Fortuna’s. He works very hard to keep his grades up and his record clean. When Felicity decided to enroll with him, he was excited for both of them. This way his sister could flourish, and he would be able to keep an eye on her. Likes: His sister, making friends and meeting people, sweets (especially chocolate), bad puns, motorcycles, gardening, newspapers, JUSTICE, feminism, helping old ladies across the street, cooking, comic books and dogs. Dislikes: Crime (he understands that crime has a reason, he does not hate the criminals themselves, unless in situations such as murder and assault), perverts, rude people, oranges, loud smells, getting directions, messiness, and frogs. Points: Proficiency: 2 Intelligence: 4 Athletics: 4 Misc.: He disapproves of his sister’s love of bad boys, but will never mention he has a thing for bad boys and girls too. She knows anyway. He has a tendency to call everyone younger than him kiddo, and will scold you for swearing. He let’s his sister practice her make up and/or fashion on him. Quiz Answers: [hider=Quiz] What is your character's dream career? Monty’s dream career would be something that involves protecting and giving. Either a police officer or a childcare provider would be best for him. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? Monty would be extremely embarrassed. He would freeze, and start blushing and stuttering. He feels that lying makes him a bad person, and would instantly apologize. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? In his own words, Monty wouldn’t be mad, just disappointed. He’d sit the person down and ask them to be honest with him. He’d express how he wasn’t happy about them lying to him and he wouldn’t forget them, but he would forgive them. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? He would immediately go and spend it on someone else. Whether it’s giving it to his friends in need, or taking out someone less fortunate for a meal and shopping, he would do best to pay the kindness back in turn. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? He would drop everything to find it. He feels a very strong sense of duty towards people and their trust, and would not want to break said trust in him. If the item isn’t found, he would go to the person and be honest, and offer to replace the object or do anything he can to get it returned. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? He has a deep love for musical instruments, so he would choose to be able to play one that he normally wouldn’t have the chance to. What is your character’s favorite book or movie genre? Why? Monty loves adventure and fantasy, for when he needs a little bit of an escape from stress. He also loves non fiction and documentaries, especially about politics and world issues. Who does your character admire/look up to? Monty admires his parents, Herbert and Batyah, for being supportive and yet still stern with their children. They’re the ones who raised him to be a polite and respectable young man. He also admires his twin sister, Felicity, for her kind heart and her ability to see the good in everyone. [/hider] Password: Spaghetti and meatballs~~ [/hider]