[quote=@Holy Grail] [@Invader Len][@The Errorist][@onenote] Just browing through this place, and then BAM!....I run into this interesting and seemingly well-thought-out roleplay idea! XD I am a part of one or two roleplays around here, and tend to be kept busy enough in regards to real life that i try to be careful in joining RP's these days. Still, in case anything i am currently involved with falls though, and/or i am able to make the time for another RP like this if everything i am involved with currently moves slowly enough or the like, i would like to ask you all a few questions about this lovely roleplay if you three don't mind! :) 1. I see that it is said in the rules it says that: Beyond this, how fast do you all anticipate this roleplay moving? Also, beyond this is there any other sort of "minimum posting limit" you have here, such as "having to post at least once a week" or something of the sort? 2. The lore and info aside being put aside for a moment, what is the concept of this RP in general? For example, a different RP might be summed up conceptually as a "horror RP with some slice of life and romance in it". 3. I must confess that this place has gotten a good deal of posts in a rather short time. Would you, then, possibly be willing to accept someone who can only post once or twice a week? [/quote] Awwww, thanks! Now to answer yous questions. 1. Given the large number of people, there will probably be a lot of stuff to read, but I don't think we'll be moving at a breakneck pace. We're going to try to allow people time to do their interactions and stay within the same time frame, and we'll likely be taking this a few days at a time. Some events may take weeks to complete IRL. So while we won't be moving as slowly as some advanced and casual RP's, it will not be very fast. We'll try to find a happy medium. To answer your questions about a posting minimum, there is not any rule like that, no. It is in a play's best interest to post often, to gain more points. In addition, we're going to be lowering the wait limit from 10 hours to 5, after some discussion. I just have to remember to do it. 2. The concept of this RP is a school RP, mainly dealing with slice of life and fantasy elements. There will be events that will have action, as well as puzzles to solve and drama to either enjoy or avoid. Over all, however, this is an RP about coming into adulthood, making meaningful bonds and friendships, and living life in a strange and wonderful world. 3.Yes, we would be willing to accept someone with a slower posting speed. We understand that everyone has different lives, different styles of writing, and varying amounts of free time. So if a person can only post once or twice a week, we would be willing to work out a solution to the dilemma of the point system without that person failing school. Proper backstories, timing of events and posts, and utilizing bonuses can help a person keep up with our exam system. In addition, this RP will be perpetually open for players to join, though some may have to wait a few days for a suitable spot to jump in after we start. So if you'd like to place your interest here and follow us along, and apply when you feel you may have more time to be comfortable, that's perfectly fine as well. I hope this has answered your questions. :)