Truth is, Alex had been wandering around for quite some time during the sudden start of all the [i]commotion.[/i] He woke up on the second floor of a building he had no idea to get back to about an hour ago. Since then there was the sound of gunshots, maybe a crumpling building, someone yelling, and the most recent noise, that of a loud metal CLANG caused Alex to get away from that particular area as well. [@arowne97][@MikkishtheLeprechaun][@Letmehaveone2] When he saw a Hunter suddenly flying out of a building surrounded by broken glass, Alex realized two things- that the man was headed directly toward him and that Alex had apparently wandered in a circle. In a slight panic, Alex screamed, which was to say, he let out a very loud reptilian cry of distress that, more than likely, sounded somewhat threatening. Likely everyone in the immediate area heard it.