Lorag had been trying to find some way to be useful while waiting, but there was little he could do while waiting for Sabine. He supposed he could have tried speaking to Saras, but there was a small risk of Saras not entirely agreeing with their plan, and he did not want to take that risk unless it was necessary. Granted, he also did not think there was a great chance of Sabine actually being able to persuade Meesei, but there was at least little harm in it. Or, he thought there was not. When Sabine burst into Lorag's room in beast form, whimpering like a wounded dog, Lorag felt quite far out of his element. "Uhhhh..." He started, not quite sure what had happened, or where he could even begin to try to calm her down. "I, um, goin' to take a wild guess and say it didn't go well. So, um, what happened?" --- Ahnasha put her arm around Fendros. "Well if you're okay with it, then I'm okay with it. I wish we could go relax, but all of this with Meesei...I doubt I'm even going to be able to sleep until we can do something for her. Hopefully Sabine has had some results just talking to her. I am sort of worried about having to steal the book. I'm sure I could get it out of her room quietly, but we would also have to make sure that Sabine's note has only her scent on it. Otherwise, it might clue Meesei in that we were also a part of it. Sabine might have to be the one to sneak in. I know she can go invisible, but that doesn't do anything against a life detection spell. Maybe we should go meet up with the others, see if anything has happened?" She suggested.