Sayuri just shakes her head after Marianne finishes speaking and falls under the full effect of the leaf. She'd known before even asking that Marianne'd dismiss pretty much everything she'd said as it was a matter of Philosophy rather than fact. If she had been fully aware this could have easily turned into an extremely pointless circular argument. Standing she walks over to her stuff and begins quickly preparing for the day ahead and preparing some food for Marianne's lunch whenever she came back to reality. Grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder she heads towards the mouth of the outcropping before pausing. Sighing she walks over to Marianne and drags her bag away from her ignoring all protests. She moved it just far enough that it would be difficult and painful for her to get when sober and nigh impossible when high like she is, [color=990000][i]'That should be fare enough to make deter her from it for as long as possible. I hate to do this especially when I don't know how addicted she are but I need her sober as much as possible. This is for her own good...'[/i][/color] she makes her way back out to the entrance. She looks back before leaving with one thought in her mind, [color=990000][i]"Damn this country and those who rule it. I would love to watch the bastards burn especially if I could burn them myself."[/i][/color] [hr] [i]busy wanna give this a good shake so will update later[/i] [hr] Sayuri growls to herself as she walks back into the cave a complete mess. Her hair had sticks and leaves stuck in her hair, there was mud splattered over her clothes and face, and she was limping slightly though obviously not badly injured. She tosses a wolf-like creatures corpse and her bag into the corner and drops to the ground in a huff before tossing her cloak to the side. Grumbling something she glances over at Marianne to check on her and whether she'd grabbed the bag or not.