[img]http://i.imgur.com/DlXcOol.png[/img] Name of Nation: Kingdom of Alamoa [img]http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-alam2.gif[/img] Government Structure: Matriarchal Monarchy Leader(s): Queen Joanna Cash King Diego Cash Royal Council Culture: The Kingdom of Alamoa is a culture centered around hard work, sacrifice, duty, and acceptance. This drive comes from the story of the legendary Alamo, now rebuilt as a glorious palace/fortress. The Alamo is the closest thing the kingdom has to widespread religion, The Story of the Alamo and The Alamo itself being sacred. Alamoa is known to many travelers as a safe haven for those who wish to live life the way they want. People escaping the Tabernacle Empire and Chicago Caliphate's religious persecution often end up in Alamoa, protected by its laws regarding freedom of religion. Many refugees also travel to Alamoa in the wake of bandit attacks on their homes outside the borders of the small nations. While a monarchy with a fair bit of control over its citizens, Alamoan royalty understands that some rights are non-negotiable to keep a kingdom of this size running. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Enterprise, and Freedom of Thought are the three major rights allowed in the kingdom. The job of the royal council (aside from advising the royal family) is to inform the King and Queen of the concerns of the people. And welcoming in immigrants strengthens the civilian population as a whole and keeps them family informed of the activities outside their borders. The monarchy is Matriarchal, meaning the female royals will ascend to power before males. Demographics: White - 45% Latino/Hispanic - 30% Black - 15% Asian - 5% Native American - 5% Other - Unknown English and Spanish are the two languages spoken in the kingdom fluently by 95% of people. Nation History: When the world went to hell, many fled to Refugee center that was established in downtown San Antonio. People have a way of surviving, even when life as they know it has ended. As the years past and it dawned on people that this was how life was going to be, they began to rebuild in their own way. San Antonio was a haven in the madness of the world and as the population grew, the citizens began to reorganize and expand, searching the wastes for other survivors. Most opposition was by raiders, slavers, and bandits looking to establish their own dominion. The scouts who fought off these attackers as they searched for life were deemed as Rangers by the blossoming new government. Time went by and small wars with armies of bandits, cannibalistic tribes, and cultists raged. Finally, due to the dire nature of the world, a monarchy and council of trusted people were put in place. Armies were organized and walls were built. In the spirit of the Alamo in San Antonio, who never surrendered even in the face of certain defeat, they named their new government the Kingdom of Alamoa. Years and years went by and Alamoa expanded. The news of other large groups like their own disturbed them and they kept to themselves, bolstering their defenses. Alamoa welcomed travelers and craftsman, with their news, diversity, and skills. It has been a time of relative peace, but Queen Joanna is ready to expand even more and no one will get in her way... Description of Economy: Alamoa is a rural and rising industrial powerhouse. Much of her territory is in the former states of Texas, Oklahoma,, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and a tiny part of Mexico. She has thousands of miles of farms and plantations. Travelers keep business stimulated and the rights of freedom of enterprise has allowed business to expand by and large. While housing many major cities, The Alamoan Army Corps of Engineers has gotten basic functions up and running so that big cities in Alamoa are fairly advanced by preset day standards. While with many resources, they keep trade inland, as Alamoans don't trust those from the outside easily, even if they do welcome them. On the coast, ships have been rebuilt, built, or restarted to fish and find whatever else. This allows for work and enables Alamoa to have a small navy. Description of Military: The Alamoa's military force is quite impressive, that being the primary reason for their success. While Alamoa is a monarchy, there are no 'noblemen' per se. There are the military commanders, the governers, the royal council, and the royal family. The Alamoan military is very much structured like old world armed forces. [b] Alamoa Army[/b] [img]http://www.miluniform.com/images/products/display/texasnationalguardmulticam.gif[/img] [b]Leaders:[/b] Marshal General Rosa Rodriguez Brigadier General Anson Kirkman Brigadier General Nigel Hoffers Lieutenant General Duane King Lieutenant General Jessie Shoemaker [b]Total Garrison:[/b] 200,300 Troops Structure: Alpha Corps - 50,000 Omega Corps - 50,000 Epsilon Corps - 50,000 Zeta Corps - 50,000 Army Corps of Engineers - 300 All Corps save for Army Corps of Engineers are Infantry, Cavalry, Archers, or Support Units. Zeta Corps is the home of all special units such as the Rangers of Alamo or the elite Rifle Battalion, the only battalion in the army to use rifles as their primary weapon. It is also the home of the heavy stormer unit, the Alamo Legionaries. Soldiers: Alamoan Infantryman [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/65/18/81/6518814801e07b13b8209160a8ac1548.jpg[/img] Equipped with a sword, shield, and some form of armor, these units are the backbone of the army. This particular soldier is a member of the Alamo Legionnaires. Alamoan Cavalry [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dO3WeNCZvr8/UwEYSljCE0I/AAAAAAAAaBY/_oTd6piZXKg/s1600/015_Mounted_Sergeants.jpg[/img] Equipped with spears and lances, swords and hammers, these units are crucial in mobile warfare. They tend to get better equipment than infantry due to their importance. Alamoan Archers [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a5/3e/8e/a53e8ecf31af92ecfaf4aaef3f484561.jpg[/img] Though very important for long range combat, the archer is the least armored unit and is kept in safe places and in the back of battle for maximum usefulness. Rangers of the Alamo [img]http://prepperbroadcasting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/12-18-14-coboyapocalypse.jpg [/img] The rangers are the elite scouts of Alamoa, and work year round inland and out in the wastes. They are the only unit that is allowed any weapon and armor of their choice. They answer directly to the General in command of Zeta Corps. [@Nerevarine] Finished!