An unnatural silence now fell upon the warehouse and the immediate area surrounding it. The oppressive force that had appeared a few short moments ago now grew in strength, reaching out to each member of the retinue. Disembodied whispers that spoke in an unknown language came through their com’s, an old but still unwelcomed side effect when the walls of the warp were weak around the living. [color=00aeef]“Forget the wounded cultist, we have a serious problem on our hands.”[/color] said Andromedai through her com, hoping the rest of the retinue could hear her over the foreboding whispers. With her left hand, she motioned for everyone to form a circle around Adrianne and hold their position while staying on guard. [color=6ecff6]“Stand your ground, something is about to show itself to us.”[/color] Adjusting her scope to medium to long range target acquisition, Andromedai readied herself for combat. [color=ed1c24]“Adrianne, you said you can sense an anomaly coming from the old vehicle bay? Can you sense anything else perhaps more hostiles or an unseen threat?”[/color] asked Solares. As if on key, dark colors from the void erupted from the old vehicle bay, forming a tornado of color and energy that overtook the building before ripping it into small pieces of debris that disintegrated around the heart of the vortex. From the warp storm, a blast of physical energy traveled across the ground, violently knocking everyone off their feet and onto their backs. For a moment, Andromedai laid upon the ground before quickly standing up and grabbing onto her modified bolter, pointing it at the newcomers. [color=00aeef]“Open fire!”[/color] yelled Andromedai before pulling the trigger to her weapon. The rounds flew towards their target but then vanished as soon as they made contact with the agents of chaos, as if they were mere illusions. The Chaos Space Marines broke formation and formed two blocks, allowing their leader to walk down the middle between them. Once he came to the front of his troops, he froze, making direct eye contact with each member of the retinue before speaking in a low, emotionless tone. [i]“This is the best the Imperium of Man has to offer? They send a small squad of weak individuals to take on the might of Chaos? I will not lower myself to fight such worthless, pathetic foes. Soldiers of Chaos, eliminate these heretics and bring me their corpses, they may still prove useful.”[/i] As soon as the nameless leader turned his back and vanished into the void, heavy automatic bolter-fire erupted from the Chaos Space Marines. The full number of rounds that flew at the retinue were impossible to dodge, but do to quick thinking and taking cover, the retinue was able to seek momentary shelter from the hail of hellfire inside of the warehouse after being hit only a few times. Moving into a corner away from the entrance of the warehouse, Andromedai quickly gave orders through the helmets com. [color=00aeef]"This is Celestian Andromedai Morgenstern at Warehouse [313B] We have Chaos forces in the area and are under heavy fire, requesting immediate reinforcements at our position."[/color] The Celestian yelled into her com over the sound of gunfire before a voice responded back. "This is Sergeant Nickolaus of the Imperial Guard, we are the closest units to your position. Stay where you are, we will be there shortly with heavy armor." Outside of the warehouse, the Rhino they had driven to the warehouse suddenly lurched forward a couple of feet as a rocket of some sort hit the weak armored rear of the vehicle. [color=ed1c24]"Fall back, the Rhino has taken a rear hit from an anti-armor weapon and could explode any moment."[/color] yelled Solares as she dropped her jump-pack and started to flee to the other end of the warehouse. If the explosion was big enough, they had another problem on their hands, all the other explosives and flammables inside of the warehouse going off with a chain-reaction. [center]What the Chaos leader looks like: [img][/img][/center]