Ansgar, being braced as he was on the roof, was able to keep his footing and weather the wave of energy that erupted from the vehicle bay. Of course, those Emperor damned Traitor Marines came marching forward, things straight out of his nightmares. Nothing was ever easy for a Krieger, was it? Ansgar watched, from above, as the fire forced the retinue to take cover, smart, the Arbite's shield wouldn't have stopped those rounds. But he had to assume they weren't familiar with anti marine tactics. Usually? Vehicles and artillery, but they had neither right now. They did have some anti tank weapons, and the Marines were no doubt expecting the retinue to have nothing that could put those power armored traitors down. Surprise surprise, then, the Krieger considered, snapping on his vox to the rest of the retinue, the familiar role of squad leader already kicking in. He had to get the group organized, assuming they weren't due to the sudden arrival of Marines, before they casually marched in and slaughtered the lot of them. The closer those bolters got, the worse it would be. [color=598527]"Assuming command! Psyker, vortex right between them and the Rhino, it'll pull them towards it as well as the Rhino towards them. Everyone cover her with anti tank weapons, if available, then free fire. If possible, aim for the joints, eye pieces, vents, anywhere that isn't plated. If not possible, as stated, anti tank grade weapons. Krak Grenades, that pseudo las cannon of yours, anything. If none of these are viable, aim for the eyes, the joints, anything to slow them down. Ma'am, bolter fire on the closest, working backwards, watch for more rockets."[/color] To accentuate his point, he launched a Krak grenade from his launcher straight for the nearest Marine, center mass, ducking down from the retaliatory bolter fire. He'd seen Krak grenades, weapons designed to, well, crack open tanks put down Traitor marines before. Sure, they were tough, but they weren't invincible. Concentrated fire, or enough anti tank rounds, could slow them long enough to get the help. Was it a risk to have the pysker open a Vortex right after the gateway was opened? Certainly, but they had to play that game right now, anything to slow those damn Traitors down. Currently the odds were not so much against them, as it was they wouldn't last until the Guard reinforcements arrived. Using his old knowledge of Guard vox communications, he tapped into the Guard line that had been used to respond to the Celestian's call for help, firing off another grenade and ducking from the return salvo, the roof looking increasingly dangerous to remain on. They couldn't afford the loss of cover from above though, so he would keep braving the fire for as long as possible. He wasn't communicating with the Guard, rather, he was tracking the city wide situation, so he could be aware of what kind of situation they would be dealing with after this. Until something changed, he would remain on the roof, popping up, firing off a krak grenade at the nearest marine, and ducking down again, praying to the Emperor that the rest of the retinue listened. He couldn't assume they had faced off with Traitor Marines before, so he had dispatched the orders as fast and clearly as possible.