As all the Freelancers started to leave the training area, Utah, on the other hand went unnoticed inside a tall building within the designated space. [color=yellow]“What was the point of this, Agent Utah? We haven’t even fired a single shot.”[/color] Zeta asked in a low gravelly voice as Utah looked through her DMR’s scope. “I want to know what I’m dealing with, since I don’t just want to get tangled up in the mix; besides, sneaking around is also something we’re bound to do anyway.” [color=yellow]“And what are we dealing with, Agent Utah?”[/color] “Based on my experience… A bunch of fuckups given suits, AI, weapons, and armor thrown into a group and expected to work together; nothing like the ODSTs I used to work with.” Zeta then looked at her in his yellow floating form as Utah carefully surveyed each and every freelancer, not once taking her eyes off the scope. [color=yellow]“Do you think we’ll have any fun with them instead of these emotionless robots?”[/color] Utah looked at Zeta, then tilted her head to look at the exit where the Freelancers were going through. “No… Not at all… fuckups aren’t fun, in fact they’re as fun as shit hitting the fan---[i]which by the way isn’t fun[/i]---besides, we need them although I hate to admit it; maybe when we're on a mission in a target rich environment though.” Her lips parted into a smirk, a giggle escaping from inside her helmet. She lifted her DMR over her shoulder with one hand, allowing the other to hang off the side. [color=yellow]“You’re a "Fuckup" yourself, Agent Utah.”[/color] She looked at Zeta and said, “Well better being fucked up than staying a virgin, am I right?” Zeta took a pause as he processed what he had just heard. [color=yellow]“Your sense of humor according to my analytics program is, quote, as stale as a five week- old loaf of moldy bread, end quote.”[/color] “Well damn, no need to be a [i]stinker[/i] about it.” Zeta then made the better decision of shutting himself down, leaving Utah with no one to talk to. “Am I right, Zeta? [i]Eh, Eh?[/i] Zeta?.... Are you… [i]“Turned Off”[/i]?” Utah waited for a moment, then she decided to crack off another one of her genius puns. “Fucking rude, I’m [i]sexy[/i] aren’t I?” Utah laughed at herself for a while, reconsidered her poor life choices, then let out a deep sigh. “I’m a natural… I should get the hell out of here now though.” She then proceeded towards the exit of the training area. “Let’s shake hands and make friends, shall we?” She then proceeded to turn Zeta on again, her personality falling into a serious mind set, her demeanor completely changed. [color=yellow]“Have you stopped with your-“[/color] Before Zeta could finish his sentence, Utah already knew what he was going to say. “No more puns… We’re going to meet our new compatriots.”