[@Genkai] Even though in 1x1s it's just between two people, I do agree that both players should at least discuss beforehand how to start, where to begin, who goes first... Basically, [i]communication is key[/i]. Rather than pushing the work to another partner, if both parties have discussed how the introduction would be like and are on the same page on the ideas, whoever is less busy can go ahead and start off first. Unless you're seriously that incompetent in English, why push all the work to one person, and then complain somewhere else about how that person is slow or whatever? You ain't being "polite" by pretending to take the back seat - it's actually the opposite. While there are shy people who will need to take some time to muster the courage and be more forward with participation, don't forget that not everyone has so much patience to wait for you to take the first baby step. Writing is just like any other form of arts - even subjects. If you're unwilling to step out of your comfort zone, or if you're not willing to put in the effort, your writing won't get any better. And don't whine about why your writing suck even after so many years and RP attempts. You only have your own self to blame. People can try to help you, but if you don't even help yourself, nothing will move forward. Nothing will improve.