Thanks for getting us off world! Yeah, it totally does. When we make a return trip back to Coruscant for some reason or another, I'd like for Yerbol and Aria to discover the surprise that Neta left them...but this trip wouldn't be a good time for that. I was thinking they could return AFTER the Xiis have been dealt with. Cause, you know, they're bad xD Oh no I get it. I'll get us back to Zinuthra...and then, well, here's how I see things unfolding. Let me know what modifications you'd like to make: 1. With the call to all Force sensitives across the galaxy put out, it would take a couple of weeks for at least a passable student body to arrive? In that time we can just have a montage of everyone scrambling to get ready 2. We can open the Academy just in time for there to be reports of disappearances from the budding Force adept settlement on Dromund Kaas(did we agree to have one there? If not, I suppose it would make sense to have one on the other capital world, yeah?) 3. Yerbol and Aria(and others?) go to investigate to find that it's illesia's doing(of course) 4. They hunt her down to find that she's...well, I'd like to surprise you, but let me know if you'd like to tell me what she's up to so you can make suggestions How's that sound?