So while we're waiting, I was hoping to get a quick headcount / update. I heard from [@Kyrisse] that she wanted to play a female Pulsian. [@PrettyWings], [@SnowLeopard], and [@fer1323], what characters were you looking to play? Also to all: What kind of roles are you looking at playing? I would like to have somewhat close to a balance between those from Cocoon and those from Pulse, as well as male to female. I'm probably going to run a PC as well, and I will try to fill in spots that we're missing. I suggest everyone take one or both of COM and RAV, but after that, your other choices are completely up to you. Here's a list of [url=]Paradigms[/url]. As I mentioned above, I feel like a character's Roles match their outlook on life to some degree, and that's reflected by a Paradigm name. For example, Fang has COM SEN SAB, which is Dirty Fighting, and Hope has RAV SYN MED, which is Coordination. Both of those Paradigm names give an interesting insight into those characters' outlooks on life. For reference, Lightning is COM RAV MED = Diversity; Snow is COM RAV SEN = Delta Attack; Sazh is COM RAV SYN = Decimation; and Vanille is RAV, SAB, MED = Variety. Another interesting thing to look at is how one's outlook on life will change. We will start with two Paradigms, then grow to include a third. Although most characters did not follow that pattern in FF13, Sazh changed from RAV SYN (Archmage) to COM RAV SYN (Decimation) when he became more determined to save his son. An example could be someone who starts as COM SAB (Divide and Conquer) and then gains MED to be COM SAB MED (Scouting Party). Their outlook could change from someone who jumps into the fray before planning to one who learns to devise a plan. Your Paradigm doesn't need to be this in-depth by any means, but it's definitely an interesting way of looking at things. Also, a lot of useful Paradigms either don't really work well for an individual's way of thinking (Delta Attack?) and some really good Paradigms require multiple of the same role (Aggression, for example). I'm just trying to get people to start thinking about their characters in an abstract way. You can also see how the game views each role by looking at the paradigm that has both or all three of the same name. COM: Double Trouble / Cerberus, RAV: Dual-casting / Tridisaster, SEN: Twin Shields / Tortoise, SYN: Rally / Rapid Growth, SAB: Havoc / Infiltration, and MED: Double Dose / Salvation. Have fun!