[center][h3][color=0054a6]Jehan de Challon[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Jehan breathed hard, but it was all hot bad air inside his helmet. He reached and opened his visor, welcoming the fresh air, even if it smelled of orc blood. At Jasper's words, he fought his way to his feet and approached the orc who was only now beginning to recover his wits. Jehan took a few gulps of air before he went down to one knee and plunged the dagger into the orc's eye, through the thin bone behind the eye and into the brain. The orc switched, but made no sound as it died. With the scrape of metal on bone he removed the dagger and wiped the blade on the orcs rough clothes. He stood, returned the dagger to its place. [color=0054a6]"Well."[/color] he said to Amare, [color=0054a6]"I tried."[/color]. He shifted his eyes down to his armour, which was covered in a mix of orc blood and dirt. Behind Jehan, Henri made a face, knowing who would have to clean it. [color=0054a6]"Thanks for the help"[/color] Jehan added, directed to Jasper and Amare, as Henri recovered the poleaxe and offered it to Jehan who took it with a thankful nod. [color=0054a6]"You too Henri. Good work."[/color] Then he returned his eyes to the orc lines to see what more would come at them. Hopefully another small group, foolish as it was.