I'm going to hold off the tournament so [@KaiserElectric] can get his character in (so I have one less fight to possibly do). I hate to stall the action even more, but I kind of want characters to start forming groups and relations so we can have the shitty modern wuxia I dreamed of! [sub][sub][sub]and besides, if the only aspect to your character is fighting, then they're not a good character to begin with.[/sub][/sub][/sub] [hr] Also, I got off my ass and updated my winquotes with the new characters. [hider=Jaden's winquotes][i][quote] "God, say one more word and I'll leave ya' ass buried under tons of rubble." (Vs. The One) "Hey, freakshow, I'll put you out of your misery, y'hear?" (Vs. SYM-04) "Oh my goodness, titties and assses have no place on the battlefield. My bedroom on the other hand..." (Vs. Veronica) "You got the moves, big man, but clearly, I'm the superior one. Maybe train a little harder." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider] [hider=Justin's Winquotes][i][quote] "Heh... maybe you should become an opera singer." (Vs. The One) "Whoever made you have to be stopped at all costs." (Vs. SYM-04) "Look lady, you should have stayed in the strip clubs." (Vs. Veronica) "I sense a kindred spirit in the two of us." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider] [hider=Seven-Seven's Winquotes][i][quote] "Why do you hate machines so much? From a few slight differences, I'm no different from you." (Vs. The One) "What you do to people kills them. I'm happy I put you in your place, abomination." (Vs. SYM-04) "My systems detect that a lot of men - and some women - from their late teens to mid-twenties look you up on google. I wonder why. Hehehe...." (Vs. Veronica) "Maybe you should join us, we have a few things in common." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider] [hider=Sage's Winquotes][i][quote] "What a vulgar man. I'll put you in your place." (Vs. The One) "You crawled out of hell only to be burned by God's light..." (Vs. SYM-04) "Creature of lust... I hope this battle has changed your mind." (Vs. Veronica) "Another warrior without a cause. Let me tell you; go home. There's far too many of your kind polluting the world as is..." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider] [hider=Brooke's Winquotes][i][quote] "Sound, fists, or fire, I can stop it all!" (Vs. The One) "You give me the creeps... I'll just break you for good so I can have peace of mind." (Vs. SYM-04) "Nice ass, you make it really easy to kick, though." (Vs. Veronica) "Maybe you have what I'm looking for..." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider] [hider=Brenda's Winquotes][i][quote] "Someone had to shut you up." (Vs. The One) "You're not stealing my ki. I had to work for it." (Vs. SYM-04) "You can't be serious right now." (Vs. Veronica) "I don't care about your past, just get out of my way." (Vs. Gideon) [/quote][/i][/hider]