[hider=Karkit Vantas]Appearance: [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/97fd/f/2014/111/9/c/9c66c2aea8dabf0d8bca096b05db2e18-d77q6nl.jpg[/img] Name: Karkit Vantas Sex: Female Franchise: Homestuck Special Abilities/Powers: Dual wields sickles. Has what is called a ‘Sylladex’, which houses her captchalogue. A captchalogue is basically an inventory. The captchalogue style she uses is currently hashmap, a summary of which can be found at [url]mspafetchmodus.wikia.com/wiki/Hash_Map[/url]. She also calls herself an expert on troll romance, and although she isn’t the [i]best[/i], she’s the best you can get at any given time. For a basic summary of troll quadrants and romance, you can look here: [url]mspaintadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Quadrants[/url]. As a troll, she also has hard, gray skin and is stronger than a human. However, she has a weird aversion to buckets. Equipment: Her Sylladex (which can pick up most things) and her dual sickles. History: Karkit has managed to survive as a troll with a 'mutated' blood color (for a summary of the hemospectrum and blood castes, check here: [url]mspaintadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Hemospectrum[/url]) since her wriggling day, and passed the trials that all grubs go through. She was then taken in by her caretaker- a crablike lusus- where she then built her own hive (house) and has lived there since. Her friend took a code for a game called SGRUB, which, when ran, allowed them to basically escape the apocalypse. From there, Karkit managed to unify two opposing teams of 6 trolls, bringing them together under her leadership. With Karkit at the helm and eleven other trolls behind her, they defeated the king and queen of Skaia, created the World Frog Bilious Slick, and created a new universe- the ones the humans of Homestuck live in. However, a creature from the human session came over and destroyed their path of entry, denying them access to the world they had created. Karkit and her friends are now traveling on a moving asteroid base, trying to escape the creature that came from the other session. Personality: Karkit is generally very grumpy, shouting almost all the time and calling people a [hider=Cussing alert]fuckass[/hider]. She is willing to dish out hate to most people, but is often actually helpful. She also sees herself as a leaderly type, and she can fill that role quite well. She isn't very good herself in relationships, although she knows much about them. Karkit is outwardly a jerk, but is, on the inside, actually caring about people. Her classpect (a thing specific to Homestuck) is Knight of Blood, which means that she basically fights with unity- bringing people together. If cussing isn't okay with you, I'll use 'jerk'. PM me if you need extra information on specific things written here (e.g. lusus, classpect) [/hider]