Congratulations! It turns out you, due to strange circumstances, are now all voices in... in this, uh... [img][/img] This traveller's head. The traveller, from another kingdom equally as strange as this thread, needs [b]Name[/b], a [b]Gender[/b] and a [b]Class[/b] before anything else [sub]('traveller' is no decent name, is it?)[/sub], and it's up to you to give [i]them[/i] these. Might have it so each of these is given by one of the first three posters. In return, I shall make sure [i]they[/i] remember to always have been that way [sub](or hardly remember anything at all)[/sub] through mysterious GM powers to not make this already likely insane situation even worse. Note that clothes are currently 100% technicolour, and subject to change of colour, and perhaps even appearance, depending on what class is picked. Also, of course, for the sake of [url=]convenience[/url]. [i]They[/i]'ll also have access to whichever sort of weapon the class happens to require, [sub]regardless of its likely poor quality.[/sub]