[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lmHJSNa.jpg[/img] Interacting with [img]http://i.imgur.com/VN68oVo.jpg[/img][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Giving a dirty look at the young lady talking on the mobile. He exhaled out in a minor annoyance as she rambled on concerning something he wasn't attending to at all. Especially her taste in music. He zoned himself out as he closed his eyes and felt at ease up against the wall. He didn't appear interest in anything that was occurring round him at the instant. It then fell [i]silent. . . [/i] Opening his eyes slightly he at that time heard the expressions "[color=2e3192]Wingardium Leviosa![/color]" out of the female's mouth, they sprung at him and his hat lifted up. He watched it as it floated towards her and he just groaned a little. Watching it as it was on somebody else's head.Possible OCD? Mhm....maybe. He has never really checked it out to much. Though in quality he most likely has some form of it. His heart started to race slightly as he seemed to get a bit annoyed at her actions. His breathing now shaky. He stood there up straight now and walked towards her. His hand extended in one motion. [color=0054a6]"Give me my hat back. [i]Please. . .[/i]"[/color] He asked in the most politely demanding way he could. His voice was gentle and smooth as he spoke though hints of upset irritation was lingering in the tone. His eyes set right onto hers as he kept eye contact. His eyes just seemed very serious as they kept staring directly at her. Staying in that position he was waiting for an answer or her to just give the hat right back. Either one whichever came first.