[quote=@Natsu] Awesomesauce, thank you very much. Can you give me some examples of how weather magic is used in different circumstances? (Combat, day to day use, professions etc.) [/quote] Sure! Starting off, the spells you can learn with weather are Summon, Enhance, Enchant, Alter and Grow. I’ll tell you what they all do. Summon means you can summon a random change in weather. It doesn’t last very long, and the weather passes quickly. You can summon gusts of wind, light rain, clouds or sunshine, or even change the temperature. Summon begins a start in the change in weather, though it’s not very powerful and confined to a small area. You might even summon tiny rain clouds over a small, specific area, or summon a beam of sunlight. The real power houses for weather come from Enhance, Enchant, Alter, and Grow. I’ll start with grow. Grow means that you can exacerbate the effects of the current weather conditions, whether they are natural or you summoned them. Hot summer day? Make it even hotter. Raining outside? It rains even more. Not sunny enough for you? Away, clouds! How much you change the effects of the weather depend on how much energy you put into it, but you can definitely ruin a fire mage’s day by making the rain worse! Enhance and Enchant are higher levels spells having to do with tools and weapons. Enhance lets you channel your energy through a tool and thus enhance it. Have a copper pipe? You can use your weather magic to enhance it into a natural lightning rod. Maybe even direct that lightning out at other players. You can’t control if the lightning happens or not exactly when you want it to, but you can control where it goes and who gets zapped when it does happen. Then enhancements are only present, however, so long as you are channeling your magic into the item you’re enhancing. Enchanting, on the other hand, is a very powerful spell that takes a lot of practice to learn. By enchanting objects to your element, you give them new uses, and they can be used by ANY mage, regardless of element. An umbrella that rains inside whenever it’s opened. A staff that zaps whoever it touches. A hat that ensures that a beam of sunshine will fall on the wearer whenever they’re out an about. Every enchantment is unique, and completely up to the caster. Finally, Alter. A must-have spell for weather mages, Alter lets you change the current weather, but to whatever you want it to be. If you want it to snow in july, it will. Stop the rain? It’s gone. You decide what the weather will be like. However, the farther away the change in weather you want is from the current one, the harder it will be to summon, and the more energy it will take. In addition, the weather will eventually return to its natural state in a matter of hours after the spell is cast. No perpetual blizzards in summer, sorry. While it doesn’t have many uses in close combat, weather magic gives a mage a huge advantage over those who rely on other elements. They can melt an ice mage’s structures, incapacitate a fire mage with rain, or dampen an earth mage’s spirits with mud. How you choose to use your magic, however, is up to you. :)