[center] [h1]𝔏𝔒𝔬 𝔍𝔬π”₯𝔫 𝔑𝔒 ℭ𝔬𝔒𝔲𝔯[/h1] [b]Image or Description:[/b] Short, wavy blonde hair and sharp, electric, blue eyes set in a near constant glare, with a heavy and masculine body that is evidence of his efforts to keep himself in shape, Leo is at first, second [i]and[/i] third glance, true, blue nobility. It shows in the way he keeps himself upright, the relaxed but measured way he moves, and the sharp - and high quality - way he dresses himself. He stands at exactly 6'5''; he often wears a signet ring on his right had, which bears the seal of his family. [b]Age: [/b] [i]16[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Orientation:[/b] [i]Heterosexual[/i] [b]Mage or Familiar:[/b] [i]Mage[/i] [/center][hr] [b]Magic Type:[/b]γ€Œ 」 [b]Known Spells:[/b]γ€Œ 」 [b]Partner:[/b] γ€Œ 」 [b]Personality:[/b][indent] Unchildlike is the first way to describe him - at first glance, he's entirely too serious, uptight, and generally not much fun to be around. Once people get to know him better, however, they find that . . . he is entirely too serious and uptight most of the time; though around people he is comfortable with, he tends to relax more, and is even capable of making jokes, though those come rarely - they also find he is not above teasing people, when the opportunity presents itself. Leo is simply put, Noblesse Oblige, personified; and he applies this mentality in a very broad sense. If you are in a position of power, you are obligated to help, if you aren't then you should strive to be - those are the core thoughts that embody his personality. Due to this, he tends to work hard in order to keep with the standards the he himself set. Unfortunately, he also has a tendency to hold others to this standard, which might come off as overbearing to most. He is in general, a very calm and methodical person, and not quick to anger - once his anger has boiled over, however, it's extremely difficult to temper. A trait he's not gone around to fixing quite yet, much to his shame. Strangely enough, Leo has little attachment to his family name or the honor that comes with it; he's more focused on the 'nobility' aspect that comes with it, and is the way he is because he believes that the word comes with its own importance, and that whatever family holds on to that title is merely an addition - in short words, 'noble' before 'family'. He is a large believer in the power of an individuals choice, and that any difficulty can be surmounted, provided one is willing to work hard enough and endure the suffering that comes with it. [/indent] [b]Biography:[/b][indent] The eldest son and heir to the de Coeur family, a noble house that can trace its roots back centuries, and which boasts not only ludicrous wealth, but a strong political pull in the House of Lords, though none among their number is a currently seated. The de Coeur family has long held on to the reigns of nobility, and has long established itself as a family that demands attention and gets it. Leo, as the eldest, was born with many expectations on his shoulders. He was the next head, the first son, and first child of the current head; most kids would have buckled under the pressure, and Leo was no exception. As a child he was a nervous and stuttering wreck, and an immense disappointment to his parents, who made no secret of it. He would run away from his lessons, cry when he was unable to understand something, and hide from his many tutors. Often times he would spend the whole day shut in his room. The only ally he had during those times was his nana, who would read him a story to sleep every night. It was perhaps mostly due to her that he became the person he is today. His nanny, an old woman who had served the family for decades, was a calming and peaceful influence on his otherwise chaotic life. She constantly cheered him on, and with every story she read, he reminded him that more than what his parents wanted him to be, he should first strive to be himself, and aim for what he wanted. While he understood the words, he didn't necessarily take them to heart, until the day she was retired. It happened quickly, so quickly that he wasn't aware of it. The old maid's work preformance had been declining with age, and soon enough, it was necessary that she stopped working; the only problem was that she could not. She had a family to feed, three grandchildren and a daughter in law who could barely get by on her own salary. It was practically the old maids money that kept them afloat. When Leo heard about this, for the first time in his life, he confronted his father in what basically amounted to a shouting match - of course, he was the only one shouting. His father simply stood at him and stared. What happened next was a discussion between the two; at first, the discussion was about the possibility keeping the old maid in their service, and the potential risk to her health if she continued - Leo argued for the former and his father shot him down using the latter; then, it became a topic of providing her with a pension for her to live out on for the rest of her life - Leo proposed it, and his father quickly questioned him if it was worth it. Did he know how much money that would cost? Did he know what that money could be used for in the meantime? Did he even know what kind of effects his actions had? He did not, and because he did not, he couldn't answer. The conversation between him and his father dragged on for hours, and by then end of it, he was worn down, and out of arguments. For the first time, he cursed himself for not being able to do anything, for being [i]incapable[/i] - yes, he was a child, and yes, perhaps the expectations set on him were great, but in the end, it was his choice to give up. His young self thought that maybe, if he hand't given up, there might have been something he could have done, something to help. Instead, he was the same stuttering and useless wreck he always was. At that point, Leo desperately wished that he was [i]somebody[/i], a person who held all the answers, someone that was [i]capable[/i] and not so damn useless. He regretted not having even tried to become that person. Perhaps his father saw is inner turmoil, perhaps it was his own intuition, but for the first time, his father looked at him with something bordering on approval. To Leo's surprise, the patriarch of the de Coeur family granted his wish, and promised that the old maid would live on tidy pension; in the first place, that was what was originally planned - after all, what kind of noble family would they be if they failed to pay someone back after those long years of service? Still, the fact that Leo did not know what worth her service was to them asides from his own personal stakes, hit him. His father explained, that, in the end, helping people like that was what it meant to be nobility - to hold a position means to assume the responsibilities that come with it, and though you might cast away the position, those responsibilities would not go away. It was a duty, and it was a curse. And for the first time, Leo felt as though he might want to bear both. His enrollment into St. Fortuna's years later was practically a given, and by that point, Leo was much changed. Now, Leo had a goal, and the determination to strive for it.[/indent] [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*] Baking [*] Reading [*] Sports [*] Winning [*] Woodcraft [*] Forests [*] Hard workers [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*] Laziness [*] Hubris [*] Vanity [*] Quitters [*] Lack of ambition [/list] [b]Points:[/b] [quote] [b]Proficiency:[/b] γ€Œ 2 」 [b]Intelligence:[/b] γ€Œ 2 」 [b]Athletics:[/b] γ€Œ 6 」 [/quote] [b]Misc.:[/b] Sings in the shower. He has a pretty good voice. [b]Quiz Answers:[/b] [hider=~Mage Quiz~] 1. What is your character's dream career? "My dream career may come as a surprise to most - I wish to be a baker. Anything else I take up is a responsibility." 2. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? "The only course of action left is to apologize, I suppose. The fact that I may have been doing it for some grand purpose does not change the fact that I was caught." 3. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? "Confront them, ask for answers. If they are hesitant to give it, then at least I want to ascertain to what degree I can trust them anymore." 4. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? "Well, since it was given, I suppose there's no harm in indulging myself for a moment. I would probably buy a few books, or perhaps some baking materials." 5. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? "Look for it first; if I cannot find it, then I will confess, plain and simple, and afterwards ask for forgiveness and a chance to make amends. I sincerely hope this is a quiz and not a prediction of the future." 6. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? ". . . Dancing . . ." 7. What is your character’s favourite book or movie genre? Why? "Ah, this is simple - I am quite the fan of adventure novels and epics, particularly those in the fantasy genre." 8. Who does your character admire/look up to? "My father and my old nanny. The first for his bearing, the second for her kindness." [/hider] [b]Password:[/b] [i]Black Pillar[/i][hr] Yeah, this is what happened to that first character after one too many edits. My mind works like a toddlers scribbles.