Round two, Electric Boogaloo! [hider=Talia Nitro] Name: Talia Nitro Image or Description:[img][/img] Age: 17 (Because she was held back a grade) Gender: Female Orientation: BiSexual Mage or Familiar: Familiar Ability: Partner: Personality: Talia is very enthusiastic when it comes to most things. Everything from Hanging out with friends to doing solitary activities. She enjoys being in the company of others, but doesn’t mind a little solitude every now and then. She puts aside time for her gaming, even if it is her favorite thing to do, she knows too much is harmful. She’s a bit of a rebel but nothing too major, like she won’t start a rebellion against something trivial. She’s kind to almost everyone, and just wants to be friends with a lot of people. Biography: Talia Nitro was born into a rather wealthy family, them owning a string of gaming shops around various areas. Although her parents had to manage the game shops, they always did care for her and wanted the best for her. Growing up she lived a normal life overall, went to school, did her homework, hang around at the game shop with her uncle who ran the one nearest her house. She would usually just walk the short distance to her house when it was getting dark. She was taught from an early age how to swim, and it came in handy since her family did have a pool. She performed in a few school swim competitions and did decently, winning 2nd place in regionals one year. She balanced this with her school life and hanging around the game shop, since the latter was not too much of a commitment…yet. This routine of just going to school, seeing friends, hanging around the gameshop, recreationally swimming went on for a few years. One day Around the age of 12 she finished up her homework at school and then went to hang at the gameshop. She was just minding her business playing a handheld device when she saw a group of people standing around some other kids playing on computers. She went to go see what was going on and she quickly made friends. As it turns out they were playing some sort of competitive game between them, and to her it looked fun. She asked to try it out, and she was amazed at the whole side of video games she had never seen before. She came after school a few more times after and played with them until she asked her uncle if she could get a computer of her own. So her uncle set her up with a small gaming laptop and she got that very same game and started to play it more. She always knew that school came first, so she balanced this newfound life of gaming with her schoolwork and swim practice. She eventually learned that she could make modifications to the games she played and so she dabbled in a bit of code, she learned how computers worked and even built a few, but in reality she just loved playing the games. It was at one point that she started neglecting school work just to get more playtime in. She stopped going to practice and just gamed the days away whenever she got out of school. Her parents saw this and warned that if she didn’t put school first, bad things would happen. She should’ve listened. It got so bad to the point where she neglected all other areas of her life. Around the age of 14 she started to skip school, lying to her parents that she went, even going as far as faking homework. This eventually resulted in her having to repeat that grade, man were her parents pissed when they discovered of her subterfuge. They wanted the best for her and they gave her all the tools for success and she denied it, she pushed them away. They forbid her from the shop and games until her grades had effectively made up for the damage. After repeating the grade her life got somewhat back on track, she started to get better grades and go to swim practice. She was getting back into the groove and hanging out with new friends, Living like a semi-normal teenager. But she always felt as if there was a void she couldn’t fill. Her affinity for playing video games could not be ignored, but this time she played in moderation, allotting time for gaming, finishing her schoolwork first. She did a few other side projects with gaming, like making a stream on her gaming, but nothing too significant, she still loves video games, but knows that there are times to play and times to work. After seeing that she had improved her parents transferred her to St. Fortuna’s to further her education. Likes: -Gaming, alot -T-shirts, hoodies, and comfortable clothing -Fiddling with tech -Texting -Coding -Swimming -Sleeping -Soda -Winning, but having fun -Cats, kittens (she's not a cat lady) -Foxes also -Hot cocoa Dislikes: -Uniforms -Bossy people -losing -Rude people Points: 10 Proficiency: 3 Intelligence: 4 Athletics: 3 Misc.: Her online username in games is T-Nitr0; She’s a really good gamer; She has 120,239 followers on her stream; she’s agile in water; Quiz Answers: [hider=Quiz] 1. What is your character's greatest regret? Letting her obsessions consume her, ultimately resulting in her having to repeat a grade, and perhaps the subconscious fear that she let down her parents 2. Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do? Lock herself in her room until her parents returned home. 3. Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this? She would first learn of the circumstances and then would suggest a compromise or tell them it's not worth it. She'd just want them to get along. 4. While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do? If her roommate were still in the room she'd text them and ask if they could do her a solid and bring it to her, if not and it's a really crucial object to both her and the class she would hurry up and try to retrieve it. 5. If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be? A Dolphin 6. If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be? Her laptop, due to the fact that it has alot of irretrievable files and memories on it and she holds it very dear to her. 7. What season does your character like best and why? Winter, although she can't swim during this time she can snuggle up in winter clothing, enjoy hot cocoa, and play video games. 8. Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do? In the summertime, she would go to a mountainside forest with a lake nearby and spend her days swimming and enjoying the scenery. During the wintertime she would enjoy a snowy log cabin on a mountain, so she could enjoy the vast view and drink some hot cocoa, and play in the snow perhaps. [/hider] Password: The type of food depends on how I feel honestly. *Edit: I see how the heart tattoo can be controversial, I can take that out if you want [/hider] Anyway, tell me what you think