Aww bless him, poor Bol I don't blame him for being a little nervous! ;w; Definitely an awesome idea as a sort of comparison to their first fight (if we discount the training session with Renso cause they were more focused on learning then than just having a spar XD) back in the tomb :P Oooooohh, I REALLY like the first one, actually! <3 though I don't suppose the shape is very...practical, in terms of floors/levels (also lots of round rooms o.o may be better in theory than in practise? XD) *shrug* the third one is pretty cool too, if we're thinking about something with a slightly less 'awkward' layout :D Awesome, so I shall have them attend the opening ceremony after their little spar and then perhaps get word through about the chaos on Dromund Kaas so they can start heading in that direction? :D Post shall be tomorrow most likely as it's getting pretty late here now hahaha